~Chapter 1: Hanging on~

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           As Philza rushed up to the body devoid of life, Techno could only stand in confusion and watch his friend dust snow off of her and try to pull the body from the snow. Her cloak and clothing were lightweight and not meant for cold weather. She came from elsewhere... But how could someone make it out this far like this? From any warmer kingdom that he knew or had seen. The last thing he wanted was someone from so far out to end up meters away from his very own doorstep.

"How did she get out here?" Techno muttered as Philza checked for a heartbeat, breathing, or any pulse at all.

"I don't know, she could have wandered from the village," Philza replied, trying to keep his calm composure. It was always in Philza's nature to help those in need. He had lived a full life and from it, he came out as wise and caring. He knew the pains of the world, and he did his best to help those he saw needed it.

"Her clothes aren't the kind the village people wear, Phil." Techno pointed out as Philza looked back and could only give him a supplicating expression to not spark unneeded conflict in a time like this. Not when an innocent life was on the line it seemed. Philza could only turn back to the limp and unconscious body in his arms as he continued to check for signs of life. "Where could she have come from? We're days away from that place. Every other kingdom is even further." Techno added as he stepped closer. It did hurt the young man to see his companion look for any sign of life in someone in dire need of aid. The fact that she could be far dead and this would only linger on Philza's mind for days about how he could have been outside much earlier if he chose to...

The way his wings were fanned out ever so slightly, blocking the wind from the girl. Not only that but seemingly trying to shield her from the view of the world while in this vulnerable state. Techno would always comment to Philza how his wings were no coincidence, that he must have been gifted them by some higher being. In some ways, he could see how Philza must have been an angel sent down to the world. One that saved others, and even saved Techno. Now... He really could only stand as his friend tried to save another person who must have been out here all night with injuries and little protection from the elements.

"She's got a pulse!" Philza gasped and Techno as well was floored.


"She's cold as ice, her breathing is shallow, but she's got a pulse!" He added without answering his friend's astonishment. Instead, he took his cloak off and wrapped it around her carefully as he tried to keep the arrows in her from causing more issues. Philza was able to carry her comfortably as Techno's eyes could never leave her form. Something swelled within him... It wasn't every day someone just stumbled into a tundra like this. Let alone someone who showed signs of living elsewhere further away. The cold ran for miles and miles on end, how could she just make it out here and fall unconscious not too far from his own doorstep? It made him sick deep down... It made him feel as though he could never escape his past, Techno began to doubt coming out here little by little as the seconds ticked by and Philza began to move with purpose back to the house.

"What are you doing?" Techno spoke up as he rushed after his friend and Philza never looked back, watching where he stepped as he kept the girl close.

"I'm bringing her back to the house to try and tend to her injuries. She'll die if we don't."

"Do you think it's a good idea to bring her back? Phil, what if someone sent her? What if someone knows-"

"Techno, this girl needs help." Philza snapped back, stern and serious as he looked back to his friend with stern eyes. "I don't think she meant to come here... Even if she is from L'manburg or any other land, you can't deny she is in bad shape. Someone had to have attacked her." He added as he began moving once more.

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