~Chapter 6: Weekend Plans~

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           Y/n didn't think her situation could get worse. She thought she could believe Philza when he said that 'Techno wasn't mean, just quiet', but after hearing the words that passed his lips... She completely disregarded what he had said. For once she didn't believe Philza and possibly wouldn't when talking about Techno any longer. He was cold, stern, and after threatening her with death if she tried anything fishy or broke her promise- she was more eager to leave than anything.

Her new personal goal was to be able to walk by next week and simply take her leave after that. If her head still ached and her body coursed with pain, that didn't matter. What mattered more was that she remained alive so that she could truly figure out who she was. Perhaps Techno didn't believe her, but she didn't need him to believe her. She just needed to bide her time until she could leave.

As for the man himself, Techno was useful for helping her get back up that ladder. At first, he tried getting her to get on his back so he could climb up the ladder with Y/n on his back- though her inability to bend her knees from pain or being able to hold onto him with only one arm made it difficult. Y/n tried to explain but Techno didn't believe her and tried to make it work only to have her yelp and use her good arm to swat at him. Of course, that didn't earn a positive reaction as he looked close to scolding her again but all Y/n could say,

"I told you not to!"

A heavy silence covered them both as they pondered what to do next, but Techno soon let out a slow sigh and bent back down to try and pick up Y/n.

"Okay. This is going to be a bit difficult. I'll try not to bend your legs or anything, just bear with me. This is the only time I will do this for you, so don't get yourself stuck downstairs again. Understood?"

"It was getting awfully boring upstairs, what else am I supposed to do?"

"Sleep? Rest? Do things you should normally be doing if you're trying to get better?" The pink-haired man paused his moving as he gave a restless shrug leaving the only two souls in the house extremely close to each other. With how close he was, Y/n was able to see how the stands of his hair were each different shades of pink. Bleached from the sun or naturally richer in color, but all were mixed within the loose brain that was placed over his shoulder. She could see the small scars that littered his face but the one that stood out the most was the one across the bridge of his nose. How it wrinkled up when he looked down at her with disdain, the corners of his eyes pinching as well. His pale pink eyes flecked with bits of gold close to the iris, they were almost magical. If she didn't know any better, Y/n would have been floored by how the small details about him made him seem a bit more likable. Though his anger still stayed and thus so did her fear.

"I can only do so much of both. If you were stuck in bed all day, you too would want to try and move around as soon as possible." Y/n sighed as she looked away. Techno continued to move as he didn't comment any further on what she said. What he did now was lace one arm under her knees to support her there and another around her back, needing to use little to no effort on lifting her. Y/n was surprised at this and she let out a small yelp as she did prior.

"Don't you dare hit me again. I'm trying here." He grumbled to which Y/n shook her head frantically.

"No no, I was just startled. I'm fine. I'm fine." She assured him in an amenable tone. Her eyes now wide and alert as she used her good arm to place over his shoulder and around his neck so she wouldn't fall. Techno was careful to climb the ladder, playing what seemed almost like a balancing act as his arms were full.

"Don't get too comfortable like this, as I said, I will not do this again." Was his only reminder to her as he mostly kept his focus on climbing back upstairs. Once he was on the second floor with no issue. It was an easy matter of taking Y/n over to her bed and setting her down. She expected him to just toss her onto the bed, but he actually took his time to set her down only to back away and head for the ladder again.

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