~Chapter 20: Echos of the Past~

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           That night, Techno allowed Tommy to sleep downstairs as Y/n and he took their beds on the top floor. It was bittersweet to Techno that he had not even spent much time sleeping prior to all that had happened. He had been too busy focusing on Y/n to relax or sleep naturally instead, he would find himself on the floor by her bed with his head on the side, being woken up by her coughing or even at the slightest shift she made. To say he was worried about her health days ago would be an understatement. At least now, Y/n seemed to have gotten much better and stronger to a decent degree.

As the residents of the cabin settled in for the evening, the world grew quiet except for the sound of the small crystals of snow beginning to fall. Another layer of snow would cover the Earth and hide the imperfections left of the day and the past behind. The sound of Techno's breathing going soft helped Y/n know that it was truly time to rest once again... But something never left her.

The words Tommy had said earlier that evening placed themself firmly in her mind and something about Tommy as a whole left her feeling as if she should remember. He was important, then again to many he seemed to hold a purpose within their lives. Though if he di could that mean that Y/n was connected to L'manburg in some way shape, or form? And if so...

How was she connected so that neither Techno nor Philza knew of her existence? Who was she? For once she despised how she didn't know anything of herself. All this time she hated how she could just allow herself to turn into this blank slate. How she didn't know anyone or remember who her family once was or even if she had a family. For once, she hated how everything seemed to lay itself before her... Yet it was as if the puzzle was unsolvable.

She couldn't allow her mind to wander much more as she felt it tax upon her mind and body. Her eyes grew heavy and it wasn't long until Y/n finally drifted off to hopefully forget about the mess of her mind until the morning.


Blurry. The world was blurry. Like to a newborn, all that could be seen were shapes and color and the slight shadows or highlights cast by whatever light wished to grace them. Perhaps that was a better label for her... She was not lost, simply reborn. Little by little things would come into focus before becoming a fuzzy distorted mess again. It took time until she could make out the grand orb in the sky. The moon.

She was outside, most importantly she was outside at night under the endless array of stars and basking in the moon's pale glow. She stood up high atop a building she had never seen before or at least she believed. Below her was a plaza, she could see a stage she could see seats and banners and ribbons. Colors that sent her mind spinning. At the moment, it was all empty. Not a soul was around.

All that was with her was the sound of the wind. Not the type of wind that made someone shiver and slowly enter hypothermia, but the type of wind that swept through on a mid-summer's night. One that came through and blessed the few who wished to have it with a moment of bliss before leaving soon after. It ran through her hair and filled her with a sense of relaxation. She felt it shift her hair and move under her clothes when she held her arms out just a bit. It felt like home to her.

This scene filled her with a sense of nostalgia. It wasn't home, but it wasn't far from those memories. She knew that much. Yet her purpose was unclear... Why was she here? What was she doing here?

"So this was why you brought me here?" A voice echoed. It seemed like miles away yet was right in her ear. It caught her off guard as it was a feminine voice. Rough and coarse, filled with heaviness and a sense of confidence. What made it all more strange was that its infliction, its tone, its accents even... They were hers. It was Y/n's voice. She turned around to try and find the owner of said voice but the world spun perpetually until she was able to regain focus on all that was around her.

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