~Chapter 18: What is it Like to Belong~

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           As the boat reached shore and the weather around the two souls grew cold once more, the pink-haired male was the first to step off of the small raft and help Carl off as well before holding a hand out to Y/n. She hesitated as the lingering smears of blood still remained, and when Techno saw this look of hesitation he did his best to quickly wipe his hand on his pants. Once again he held his hand out and Y/n finally took it with a bit of reluctancy.

There were no words... Nothing could fill the void that took over their minds. The past few days had been utterly maddening. They were both drained, Philza was still in danger stuck in L'manburg, and the truth did indeed sting more than Y/n was willing to admit.

Techno was exactly what she had feared, he could be heartless, he could be downright mean, he knew how to tear apart a kingdom in the best ways possible and get it done before sunset... He was what she saw the day he kneeled in front of her and threatened her so softly. The blood of that other man he seemed to wore didn't even phase him.

As Y/n stepped out of the boat, she met Techno's gaze to see how his eyes didn't express pride though. Instead, he seemed to show shame. The man who had just led her through chaos and back and only a few weeks ago did he wish for her to leave his sight and presence as quickly as possible was now staring down at her, waiting. He waited for something but never expected it to come. What was it?

A moment passed. Then another. Techno gave a small nod, the hair that was once in a ponytail days ago barely held onto the tie he used as strands fell in front of his face or cascaded down his back and cloak. He took up his horse's reins and through the snow, he began to lead Y/n back to his home.

"I don't wish to make excuses for myself." He then started, his voice seeming so far away. The tone was still as monotone as ever, but it didn't hold the same assurance as before. Like whenever he scolded Y/n for moving too much or when she would get just a bit too annoying. The girl's gentle gaze lifted up to Techno just as he continued, "I don't want people to think so lowly of me... Though I know what I did could be seen as wrong. If you were in my position, you would see so much more clearly. All I did for them to simply turn against me at that moment. They took advantage of the help I wished to give them yet they pushed my boundaries... I didn't want them to keep with that land. It will only tear them apart more as time goes on." He sighed gripping the reins tighter as the voices grew angered again with just the thought of Tommy's anger and Tubbo's wails for the land Techno believed to have helped them handle.




'Blood for the blood Go-'

A hand placed on his opposite arm caused Techno to look down to his side to see the frail girl smiled sadly up at him. The skin on her face turning a sweet pink from the bites the cold left on her skin. Her body shook ever so slightly despite wearing a cloak already, but the nighttime did only make the air much chillier.

"I can understand why it would anger you. Betrayal is something that is very hard to get over... I wouldn't know, because well-" She sighed as she rubbed her head where the bandages on her head remained and Techno's heart grew heavy once again. The way her eyes grew ever sadder and her lips turned into a small frown before she forced it away and placed a smile in its place once more. "You have Philza, you have your place here in the tundra, and for the time- you have me. You're not as cruel as they all claim you to be. You're not a monster."

"You haven't heard all the stories." Techno sighed as he looked the other way, doing his best to keep his senses. He refused to allow someone at a time like this to see him at his worse.

"I don't need to hear all the stories to make my own opinion," Y/n argued as she gripped onto Techno's sleeve then and refused to let her words go unheard once again. "I could have known all the stories weeks ago when I had my memories and would have still thought the same way I do now. It isn't the stories that make you who you are, it's you that does that. And I know who you are Techno." She finished though the young woman was taken by surprise when Techno placed his hands on both of her arms and turned to look down at her completely.

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