~Chapter 12: Honesty Befalls~

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           As night time came once more, Y/n struggled more and more. Now she laid on her back, her chest felt heavy and every time she took in a deep breath to prevent from suffocating she had the sudden urge to cough her lungs out. Her skin was warm, though she felt cold to the bone no matter how many blankets she wrapped around herself.

Techno slept soundly across the room in his bed, and Y/n knew better than to wake him in her current state. She still couldn't get the thought of having to stay longer if Philza learned of her becoming ill... She couldn't risk Techno's harsh words becoming true. He was an honest man, and Y/n learned that well. She didn't want to end up on the negative aspect of that view. If Techno's honesty went deeper than his own blood but to his bones and his core. Even as he slept soundly, the softness of his breaths was still heard by the ill girl across from him. His soft pink hair falling across his face while his eyes were shut gently and his expression relaxed for once.

Without being able to sleep, Y/n's focus was on the man across from her like it would tend to be. His face, his movements, his posture... Everything about him held such a surreal feeling. As if he wasn't real. As if he wasn't human, nor anything hybrid even. It was like he was some deity, like from the stories he told her the night before. It was like he was a God.

How could a man like him come to fruition? What was his tale? His epic? The narrative that led him to adopt a life in the cold tundra. Sheltered from society like a beast within an imprisoned castle. What made him desire and even cherish his solitude? For once, Y/n wanted to know more about Techno than she ever wanted to know about herself... And she was the one without a clue on her own existence. Who was Techno?

Her body was covered in sweat, Y/n was utterly disgusted at her current state, but her mind was elsewhere. She tried to fixate on better things in hopes it would help her heal, but none of that worked. Her chest still ached and felt as if rocks were being pressed on it and stifling her breathing. Her forehead was searing hot and she shivered as if she was left out in the cold. Her skin paler like when she first woke up, and her face flushed. The young woman felt completely miserable.

Y/n forced herself to take in a deep breath and then focus on sleeping, but when her lungs filled with air it was as if it tripped a trigger and she began to cough. Muffling herself the best she could into her pillow as she fought for air but also fought for her body to silence. Though it felt like waves crashing against the shore, just as she felt as if the coughing had subsided... A series even harsher and louder wracked her body. She once again felt helpless and fearful. Was this a similar fear she felt before she passed out in the snow? She couldn't tell. She may never know.

It became extremely bad to the point that Y/n needed to sit up. Her eyes watering, her lungs in pain, and her body weak and fatigued. She did her best to remain silent so that she refrained from waking anyone else in the home, but it didn't take much noise for the pink-haired male across the room from her to wake up slowly. His rosy eyes did their best to locate the source of the coughing, having only needed to look across to see Y/n condition. Her one hand covering her mouth as she was heaving for air. It alarmed him, and his instincts kicked in to launch out of bed and across the room.

"Y/n... What the... Hey. Come on, make sure you breathe." He spoke in a hushed but frantic tone, placing a solid hand to her back to help clear her lungs. Though he could see how clammy her skin had become. As she began to calm down again Y/n's gaze turned to the young man beside her, fear was all he could see. She was scared, and for once... It made him feel a twinge of fear. Though Techno brushed it away and placed the back of his other hand to her forehead and recoiled at the slight heat she was producing. "Damn. Y/n, you're burning... Almost literally." He started as he helped her lay back down though his mind was racing a mile a minute.

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