~Chapter 4: Dark Mindset~

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           As the moon took the sun's place in the sky, the cabin home had gone silent as the lights dimmed down. Philza assured that Y/n was comfortable in her bed before telling her that he was going to rest in his downstairs.

"Where did Techno go?" She asked as she realized that the bed across from her was the only one open then and Techno was the only other person in this house. She had not seen or heard from him since he came up to inform Philza that dinner was finished. Philza seemed to hesitate as he glanced to the window across the room on Techno's side of the room and a look of worry hit him before it faded and he gave Y/n a comforting look instead.

"He just wanted to go for a walk and relax for a bit. He can handle himself, don't you worry." His voice was still calm, still gentle... It was fatherly just by the sound. Rich and full of warmth for those he watched over as the angel he was. Y/n took his words and returned a nod as her response.

"Alright. Good night Philza."

"Good night, Y/n. If you need anything, don't be afraid to holler." The angelic man gave with a wave as he made his way to the ladder and down. Y/n laid down on the bed she had been occupying all day and more. Her body still ached, and her mind was still foggy... Though perhaps a proper night of rest would help her feel much better. Maybe tomorrow would bring her answers to questions left lost in her mind. Just maybe...

The night slowly began to pass, and the moon was soon rich with light as it illuminated the ground below still layered with a thick blanket of snow. The man known as Techno let the night pass as he let his rosy pink hair down and let the air nip at his pale skin. It was something he could feel. It was real... It was something that allowed him to feel like he belonged in his own skin.

He took in a deep breath as a gust of wind swept through and whipped his hair about and moved his cloak as well. The sound of unkind creatures lurked in the distance. Some hid within the trees and shrubs, others stood openly on the hills as undead trudged in the snow mindlessly and abominations basked in the moonlight. By day... They would vanish like mist on the water. By day, the world would be reclaimed by the people who insisted they belonged. Long ago, tales of these creatures made Techno wonder where he belonged in this world.

He was no human, but he refused to be called an abomination. So... Who was he? What was he? A figure with the face of a young man but hooved feet and pointed ears that made him look as if he was a saddened puppy. Sometimes, Techno despised it. He despised his heritage, his background, and altogether... He despised his life. Yet here he still was.

Techno knew he had people who still needed his presence in this forsaken world, but the only one he was willing to stay for was Philza. The man who came to him years ago in the woods when he was on a trip for business, many would ignore Techno. Some would be rude to him on purpose and at the time he was just a kid. Barely just a teenager, but the world was cruel and he grew up as fast as he needed to. Philza was never like anyone else Techno had met. Offering him food, staying to listen, and even telling the young boy that if he ever needed something... He was always welcomed at his home. For once, Techno had someone looking out for him. He had a friend.

He knew how he acted out this evening was inexcusable, but he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with all that had been going on. Leaving his title, his past, in a way- even his own name behind, trying to start anew in a land extremely foreign to him, and then she just showed up. Y/n... Techno wasn't sure if he was supposed to feel mercy for her, or just downright hate. He had no trust in someone like her. Someone who just busted down the walls at a time like this, where he was still vulnerable. He was barely who he was before, and some days he doubted he had earned anything at all... Though then she just appears in the snow.

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