~Chapter 17: A Heroic Tale~

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           To tell the tale of land still new and family still together is a bittersweet topic to tell... Though with nothing left to hide, Techno told the amnesiac girl not his story, not yet, but the story of L'manburg's current state.


Techno could sense the air was heavy that day. His breathing calm and his mind prepared... The chatter of others made his voices grow maddened. Was being here truly what he needed? Maybe he shouldn't have agreed to this, but he had a moral code to face. He was being told of the help they all needed, and he couldn't step down from this.

"Techno!" A slightly older man called, a warm smile on his face as his brown eyes shined in the sun. He looked tired, he looked worn... it made sense with how much pain he was being pulled through. "Come on, everyone is meeting up in Pogtopia. I heard you had something planned for all of us as well?"

"Huh? Yeah, Wilbur. I do. A little something I put together on my own time so that our odds are more in our favor." Techno walked beside the slightly older male who was nearing his 30's. Not quite there yet but he would be with time.

"That's wonderful news. We'll take back L'manburg today. Once and for all, the land we had built will be ours... And once this is over, you can join it as well, old friend." Wilbur looked Techno in the eyes as they had caught a glance of one another as they walked to the hidden base that others had already begun to gather at. Quackity, Tubbo, Tommy, Niki... All coming together to defeat the evil forces they had been forced under. Techno couldn't lie, Wilbur's words were tempting but he knew deep down that he couldn't accept it.

"I'll think about it. You know me though. I don't like to stay in one place for too long... I have other places to be. Other governments to overthrow." The pink-haired male joked as he elbowed the fluffy brunette lightly. They both made it down a flight of hidden stairs in a dug-out hole in the side of the mountain.

This then opened up into a deep ravine lit up by lights and stairs leading all the way down. Voices echoed around the ravine and bounced off the walls as Techno's cloak scaped against the steps as he descended with Wilbur. The white felt of the collar and the bottom hem and the velvet of the body of the cloak gave Techno a regal appearance. It paired well with the gold and silver forms of jewelry he sported. Many knew that he didn't wear those items as fashion but used them as medals and proof of his work in the past.

Lands heard of the beast that destroyed kingdoms and countries alike. The leader of rouges and mercenaries and the tool every rebellion knew they must get. No person could match his strength, wit, and the fear he struck into the hearts of all. Tales even rumored that getting close to such a person with eyes as sharp as daggers and an expression of pure hatred would send even the 'best' armies running for the hills. He had no other name to them other than "The Blade".

To his allies, he allowed the name to be paired with his real one, resulting in the name: "Technoblade".

To which was screamed at the top of a young man's lungs as he reached the bottom. A blonde with a wide smile, bearing metals in his teeth that kept them from getting too bent out. His face forever dotted with tiny freckles and a bandage or two on his face from something he did. The red and white shirt he wore paired with cargo pants were dirty from living down in this ravine but his energy was unmatched.

"Technoblade! My man! There you are! We were afraid you weren't going to be showing up!"

"I wouldn't miss this takedown for the world, Tommy. Besides you know me-"

"Ah yeah! Big guy! Big scary Technoblade! Haha! Can't let the world see him miss out on what will be the BIGGEST revolution of our lifetime! Right men and ladies?" Tommy turned to all the others in the cave and they began to cheer. It amazed Techno how such a group could come together. This was unlike any other revolution he had been apart of... From the outside, they looked like a shamble of people. A conglomerate of boys and girls who couldn't even be friends on the outside, but deep down... They knew that their loyalty to one another was true.

"Well, before we head on our way, I have one more stop I wish to take. I prepared things for before our journey." Techno informed them all and motioned for the large group of individuals to follow him now.

After a short distance of walking, and leading them to a secret base that Techno used for the time being, and the male full of intimidation revealed his gift to them all.

Walls lined with armor and tools, potions, and items that would aid them in their victory. Many didn't waste time to begin picking up what they desired.

"Take it as my way of supporting you, Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur." He looked to the two who he had known longer than anyone else here. A smile on his face for once as he took his mask off for a moment to talk to them all in private. A moment of truth... A moment of weakness.

It was always at the weakest that something would be taken for granted.

"You three are much more than I would ever expect you to become." Techno snickered while Tommy crossed his arms and scoffed,

"And what does that mean?"

"Tommy," Wilbur interrupted as he put a hand on his brother's shoulder and then looked up to Techno again. "You really have come through for us. I want my son to know that his father is doing this all for him. Even after all..."

"You sound so much like Phil," Techno commented with a shake of his head. "Have you heard anything from him? From Philza?"

"Nothing... Then again, I didn't expect to hear anything. After I ran off and pulled the boys with me? I could see why he wouldn't say anything." Wilbur ruffled a younger teen Tubbo's hair as a way to be playful to his littlest adopted brother. The young brunette laughed and went off to check in on others getting prepared.

"Whatever the case, I don't think Phil would ever be mad at you or any of us... This is Philza we're talking about. No matter what happens in the end, ending this will bring us all much better peace." Techno finished, not knowing how his words would bite him back hours later.

When skies would burn and citizens would scream. The burning of buildings, the bodies of those not strong, and then the scene that haunted them all. Angelic wings now broken and burnt hunched over a man, with a sword in his hands impaling the brunette known as Wilbur. Ears were ringing and there were screams.

For Techno, the screams were internal. Those he helped now surrounding him in a stand-off where his robes were torn and his outfit disheveled. Even his braided hair was becoming undone with every fleeting moment. The promises said prior now broken as what he hated the most clashed with those he thought he could trust and love.

His mind was at a loss and all he could hear was the chants of those unnamed. The chant of those who wanted one thing and one thing only.

'Blood for the Blood God'

When the stand-off had gone on long enough, Techno knew that this would ruin so much, but he let the voices guide him with ease at summoning creatures that would ensure nothing would rise from the ashes. His eyes flaring with madness and a lust for blood, and anger like 'The Blade' he was. He looked the blonde, Tommy, in the eyes and called out,

"You want to be a hero Tommy? Then die like one!" And that madness was released out onto the world.


It would be hard to say that anything sweet could have come from a situation like that. Though it was where Techno ended up afterward that came to him like a treat. Even then as he told the story and the two of them reached the shore closer to the cabin.

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