"Wow... I see an angel."

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A/N: I just thought this video was hilarious 

Kirishima stayed asleep for a solid week, during which Bakugo had hardly ever left his side. He would only leave to take a shower at his parent's place before racing back to sit next to Kirishima in one of the uncomfortable bedside chairs.

The private hospital room started looking more like a mini-office with Bakugo's paperwork strewn everywhere and cups of coffee on almost every flat surface.

Bakugo had been berated for this time and time again by the nurses but Kirishima's complexion was returning to its usual beautiful golden tan instead of a sickly pale and he seemed to flutter his eyes or move his fingers more with each passing day. Kirishima was going to wake up any day now and Bakugo wouldn't miss seeing those sparkling red eyes staring at him for the world.

He could almost see it, he'd blink his eyes open, squinting cause of the sunlight streaming in through the window and smile slightly, he'd say something stupid like...,

"Wow... I see an angel."

Yes just like that and...

Bakugo blinked harshly, he dug his nails into his palms slightly trying to see if this was some twisted dream. But it wasn't...

Bakugo stared into those Vermillion eyes and slight smile, a single tooth poking out. He had so many things he'd wanted to say to Kirishima when he woke up but all he could do at that moment was stare.

"Uh... Suki?" Kirishima's groggy voice rang through, pulling him out of his Eijiro inspired daze. He slowly walked towards the man, still not fully believing his eyes.

"Ei?" He breathed out as he sat on the bed, one of his hands cupped the side of the redheads face.

"I'm back~" Kirishima tried to sing out but was interrupted by a coughing fit. Bakugo immediately handed him the glass of water, the look of awe still plastered on his face.

Kirishima put down the empty glass of water with a satisfied sigh and blushed slightly when he saw the Bakugo staring at him with the same awestruck expression.

"You came back to me." Bakugo finally breathed out, pushing his forehead onto Kirishima's. His lips captured Kiri's in a gentle kiss which grew needier as tears began flowing down his face.

Kirishima broke the kiss in alarm and immediately started wiping away the tears with his thumbs.

"Bakubabe? What's wrong? Are you hurt anywhere?" Bakugo let out a sob cum laugh at that.

"You are in no position to ask me that Shitty Hair." He said softly, still unable to take his eyes off his husband.

"I love you Shitty Hair. So fucking much." Bakugo managed to get out before sobbing into his chest. Kirishima just patted his head worriedly.

"I love you too Suki." Kirishima said warmly, pressing a few kisses to his husband's forehead as he carded his fingers through spikey blonde hair.

"Eiji!" A loud feminine voice broke through their moment as Miyana rushed into the room, bento box in hand. She wrapped her arms around her son's spikey red hair, tears of happiness cascading down her face.

Eijiro wrapped his arms around his favourite people and squeezed tight.

"I'm back!" He said happily.

The afternoon was spent with an exorbitant number of medical tests and a lot of catching up.

"Thank you Katsuki." Eijiro muttered after Katsuki and his mother filled him in on everything that had occurred. "I know how hard that must've been for you, but thank you. Both of you."

He grabbed their hands and held them close to his chest and few warm tears slipping down his face. He hated that his two favourite people had had to go through so much. But he'd also never felt more grateful to have them in his life.

He smiled a little and kissed his husbands fingers when he felt them tremble a little.

"You made the right choice Suki. Thank You." Kirishima mumbled to Bakugo as a couple silent tears streaked down his face despite the slightly relieved smile playing on his lips.

Eijiro spent the better part of the next day talking to his friends and family, convincing them that he really was alright. He'd gotten many hugs and apologies (those weighed heavily on his heart). He'd had to actually change hospital gowns in the afternoon with the number of people who cried on his shoulder.

The most unexpected yet exciting part of his day was definitely being swept into a hug by the one and only Mitsuki Bakugo. Kirishima couldn't help the few tears that slipped out at the unexpected gesture, he thought the older Bakugo still wasn't comfortable around him. It didn't help that Katsuki, Miyana and Masaru were looking at the scene in front of them with such warm and happy expressions.

Over the next weeks, the doctors continued running various tests on his spine and legs. They also began Kirishima's rehabilitation. And although he was steadily getting used to walking again and the fact that it was a minor miracle that he was even alive, he couldn't help the slight pang in his chest every time he looked at himself in the mirror.

He'd lost quite a bit of his muscle after not being able to move around or eat as much as he usually would for almost a month. And while he was leagues away from the scrawny little thing he used to be at the lowest point of his life, he would still see that lost boy in the mirror sometimes. His outgrown roots didn't help matters much.

He hadn't even had the guts to unwrap his bandages to see what his back looked like, worried that it would send him into a downwards spiral.

But his friends and family always pulled him out before his brain could venture too far.

"Thanks, Mina." Kirishima mumbled with a small tired smile as the pinkette rinsed the hair dye out of his hair.

Rehab had been especially gruelling that day but he'd shown good progress. Tetsutetsu proved to be a very good motivator. He'd shown up when Kirishima was halfway done with his rehab and proceeded to take the place of a coach screaming out particularly motivational things like "Manly Men can do another 10 steps!" or "I know my Manly Bro can do more than that! Come on Eijiro!".

The screaming finally got the silver-haired man kicked out but it'd been a very Manly Rehab Session.

Kirishima had walked into the room after his session only to find his favourite pinkette standing in front of him with a box of red hair dye and a command to "Get his ass in the washroom."

Mina mumbled something he didn't hear over the gushing of the water. And the words were sailing out of his mouth before Kirishima's word to mouth filter could even pick up on what was happening.

"I want to adopt Rene with Suki."

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