"I sense a but coming..."

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Bakugo continued to play with the bright red tuft of hair as he thought about his next plan of action, that was what he was good at, after all, strategising.

First Kirishima would wake up because Bakugo couldn't even think of the alternate possibility. And then they would figure out what do together, what was best for Kirishima's future. And if what was best for him was to just step away from everything for a while, even Bakugo, then that would be alright...

If he never wanted to see Bakugo again... that would be alright...

Bakugos was startled out of his brooding by the quiet click of the door opening. He instinctively got onto his feet ready to defend his husband from whatever threat may come their way. But instead of the villain he'd been expecting, in walked two of the last people he'd expected,

"Glasses? Scope Eyes? What're you two doing here?"

Hatsune Mei waddled in, her hand resting on the round surface of her 5-month pregnant belly. Following her was her husband and former class president of class 1-A, Iida Tenya.

Hatsume ignored Bakugo and made a grab for the papers hanging on Kirishima's hospital bed detailing his diagnosis.

"We heard about his situation... Bakugo... I may have a way for Kirishima to walk again." She said in a subdued manner, promptly squashing the thin ray of hope building up in Bakugo's chest.

"I sense a but coming..." Bakugo sighed heavily as he took a seat in the chair next to Kirishima's bed again.

"It's an experimental procedure. The success rate is 100% if administered immediately after the accident but reduces every hour after, as it gives the bones more time to fuse in the new unnatural shape. We're lucky Recovery Girl wasn't in town or this would've been impossible but Bakugo as it stands now... There's a good chance he'll get his mobility back. However, he's weak... He may lose his life if we perform the surgery on him now but we're almost out of the time frame for the surgery to be administered. It's now or never Bakugo." Hatsume explained, actually looking a little upset for once.

"How could you possibly make me make that decision?" Bakugo grunted, his head buried in his hands as tears of frustration leaked out of his eyes. Tenya and Mei to look at each other with a mild look of fear, neither knowing what to do. They'd never seen nor ever thought they'd see Bakugo Katsuki cry.

"This isn't your decision Katsuki. Its the decision you think Ei would want you to make." A feminine voice rang through the room and Bakugo almost flung himself off the chair to wrap his arms around the brunette.

"Momma!" he cried out, shaking at the weight of his own sobs.

"I'm... I'm so sorry I couldn't protect him and-" Miyana Kirishima shushed him before he could even get the words out.

"This absolutely not your fault Katsuki. I know what happened. I know you did your best." She said, her own voice shaking as well.

Mitsuki Bakugo just awkwardly patted her son's shoulder, not knowing what to do. Sure her relationship with Katsuki was on the mend, but she still didn't know where she stood with her son.

"Give me an hour." Bakugo's hoarse voice rang out, his head still buried in Miyana's warm shoulder.

Tenya and Hatsume nodded respectfully before leaving, joining Ashido and Sero on the benches outside Kirishima's room.

"It should've been me..." Bakugo admitted into Miyana's shoulder the minute the door swung closed. "Not Ei, not the hero the public actually loves. Not him... he's so good, momma... Not him..."

Miyana immediately pulled away from her second son and grabbed the sides of his face.

"Listen to me Bakugo Katsuki. I am so thankful to every god that you are alright. I am so proud of my boy for protecting you. I am so proud of you for saving that baby girl. Eijiro... my baby, is hurt. But I have to believe that he will be okay." She said strongly, shocking Bakugo to silence before he nodded.

"What do I do, momma? If he stays like this... He'll be alive but I don't know if he'd still be Eijiro. But if-if we try to go through with it and he d-dies? I can't live without him by my side."

"Katsuki." Mitsuki spoke up next to Miyana, "As Miyana-san said, this decision isn't for you son. You just have to think about what Eijiro would want and do it. I know its hard, and I'm so sorry you have to do this but... there's no other choice. You need to think about what Kirishima would want more than what you do."

Mitsuki stiffened a bit thinking she may have been too harsh again but let out a sigh of relief when her sons face remained sober and contemplative.

Miyana guided Bakugo to the chair next to Kirishima's bed and sat him in it, before pulling out a chair next to him and taking a seat herself. Mitsuki sat on the chair near the door with her arms crossed watching the shallow breaths of the man on the bed before switching her gaze to the distraught man and woman by his side.

'You better come back soon kid. I still haven't even thanked you properly.' Mitsuki thought, recalling all the motivational speeches the red-head had given her and Bakugo about how reconnecting is 'manly'.

"I think- I think I know what he'd want to do." Katsuki finally broke the silence after about thirty minutes.

He looked at Miyana sadly, reluctance and fear blatantly visible on his face. A rueful smile spread across Miyana's face.

"Eiji wouldn't be Eiji without Red Riot, after all." She said quietly as she clutched her son's hand in her own, placing a gentle kiss on his knuckles.

Bakugo bit down on his lower lip and quickly got up from his seat. He didn't know how he'd find it in himself to get the words out of his mouth, but luckily he didn't have to.

Mitsuki was already walking in front of him, heading towards Hatsume.

"We'll leave Kirishima in your hands." She said gracefully.

Hatsume stole a look at Bakugo who nodded his head in agreement.

"Alright then. It's a long operation, roughly 8 hours. The doctors are already prepped and ready so we will begin immediately." Hatsume said, her eyebrow furrowing in thought.

Everyone in the waiting room nodded and watched as Iida escorted Miyana out before a group of nurses rolled Kirishima's still form away. Bakugo's eyes followed the gurney until it was out of sight.

'If things went South... that would be the last time he saw his love breathe.' The thought swept over Bakugo like a tidal wave and all he knew was that he had to leave. He knew it was cowardly with Kirishima fighting for his life in the next room, but he couldn't just stand there uselessly. He couldn't stand to be as useless as he was when Kirishima's flesh was being torn apart right in front of his eyes.

"I... I'm going to go p-pick up some clothes for him. For when he w-wakes up." Bakugo mumbled out before turning on his heel and walking out.

He walked and he walked and he walked. He walked 8 miles, till he reached home.

Their home. His home with Eijiro-who wasn't here.






A/N: I know the whole 'momma' part was a lil OC, but I just really liked the idea of Bakugo having a gentle mother figure in his life ya know?

PS: I don't hate Mitsuki. I get the whole dynamic they share but like she did still kinda blame Katsuki for getting kidnapped for being too 'weak'? So while I know for a fact that she loves her son, she unknowingly says a lot of scarring things. (I've written a whole ass explanation for her behaviour, in my opinion, later on! And I love that chapter!! So stay tuned!)

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk<3

A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!!!! 2021 is so gonna be 2020's redemption year!

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