"C'mon, Shitty hair. Spill."

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Kirishima managed to finally summon his courage a couple days after his conversation with Mina.

He'd woken up from his nap to see the love of his life laughing at something his mother had told him. All his guards down, his rare, relaxed form sprawled across the small couch in the room.

"-managed to get rid of Mcqueen. Kirishima would even wear those red crocs to bed!" His mother said, drawing another beautiful laugh from the beautiful man. And Kirishima had to bite his tongue to keep from just blurting it out.

"Momma, can you give Katsuki and me a minute please?" He asked instead, as sat himself up. Miyana looked at him quizically but nodded, she pressed two chaste kisses on her boys' foreheads before heading towards the cafeteria.

Bakugo nervously wiped his sweaty palms against his jeans and got up to sit next to Kirishima. He took the offered palm and brushed his thumb over Kirishima's knuckles before pressing a small kiss on them.

"What's up?" Bakugo asked casually to cover up his anxiety, which abated slightly when the heart monitor jumped a little at his actions.

Kirishima took a deep breath in, trying to dispel his nerves. But the words still escaped him.

"C'mon, Shitty hair. Spill." Bakugo said gruffly. And that finally got his butt in gear.

"I want to have kids with you." Eijiro blurted out, his eyes blazing with that determined fire Bakugo loved so much, peering into Bakugo's own shocked face with a hopeful look.

"Um... what?" Bakugo wisely said, his mind still reeling and his eyes as wide as saucers.

"I-I want to adopt Rene with you. I want to have a child with you Suki... I want us to raise her to be this amazing and strong girl and I want to give her all the love and support I know we can give her! We'd take her to her first day of preschool, tell her stories about her brave brother, watch her grow up and support her in whatever she wants to do. Obviously, it won't be as easy and we'll have a lot of challenges we'll have to overcome but I feel like we can do this together and mmmph-" Bakugo cut off his rambling with a kiss, eyes shining with unshed tears.

"Y-you fucking perfect arsehole" Bakugo cursed with a breezy laugh as he pulled away from Kirishima and tapped their foreheads together.

"So that's a yes then?" Kirishima stated, positively shining with excitement.

"Yes. A thousand fucking times, yes." Bakugo breathed out, his hands travelling up to grip at Kirishima red locks as he pulled his husband into another kiss.

"Holy fucking shit Katsuki! We're actually doing this?!" Kirishima asked, his voice dripping with excitement.

"Yes, you little shit. We're gonna be parents!" Katsuki said with a manic grin on his face. His hands never moving from Kirishimas nape, instead resting his forehead on his husbands.

"Suki! Suki! I just had the best idea!" Kirishima whispered after a couple minutes of silence. Bakugo reluctantly pulled away a little and looked at his redhead with a fondly exasperated expression.

"What shitty hair?" Bakugo already knew this was going to take a while looking at Kirishima's excited expression.

"Ground Riot Baby Merch!" Kirishima said enthusiastically before going into a long-winded description about what the new line would hold, waving his hands around to emphasise his point.

'So, I'm growing a family with this idiot huh? Sounds fun.' Bakugo thought with a soft smile and he watched the love of his life describe Ground Zero and Red Riot themed grandpa and grandma shirts.

"Y-you're gonna... give me a grandbaby?" Miyana asked with a large shining grin, happy tears pricking the corners of her eyes. Her phrasing making Kirishima laugh while Bakugo looked at her with a bemused, yet confused look.

"Oh, don't give me that look! Do you know how much I wanted a grandbaby to spoil? And a granddaughter at that? You boys are making all my dreams come true." Miyana looked at the wonderful men in front of her with a fond smile before giving them a big hug.

"You both are going to be wonderful parents. And when you need grandma Miyana, I'm always there for you boys alright?" She said, a couple tears spilling over.

"Mitsuki is going to be thrilled too Bakugo." Miyana asserted, though her large smile pulled into a confused pout when Bakugo pulled away slightly.

"Oh shit, I have to tell her too huh?" Bakugo said softly, raising his hand to bite at his skin, a nervous habit of his he was trying to break. Kirishima quickly caught onto the movement and grabbed Bakugo's wrist bringing it to his lips instead.

"What's wrong Bakubabe?" Kirishima asked worriedly, it had been a while since Katsuki reverted to this particular habit.

"You know how she was with me, Ei. Demanding nothing but the best, tearing into me if I did even slightly worse than usual. How do we know we can trust her not to the same with Rene?" Bakugo asked softly, already feeling protective of the baby that wasn't even his yet. "I swear Ei if she pulls the same bullshit with Rene I'll-"

"Then we'll handle it Suki. If we see your mom devolving into old habits then we will take the appropriate actions. It's your choice whether you want her in Rene's life or not. You have full control here." Eijiro said evenly, slipping his fingers through Katsuki's.

"Yeah... Yeah, you're right. And I'm not that that shitty brat who was scared of his mother anymore." Bakugo said after a long moment, tightening his grip on Kirishima's fingers as a wordless 'thank you'. Kirishima accepted it for what it was with a large smile.

"Let's let her know after Ei gets discharged tomorrow." Bakugo said strongly making Kirishima beam with pride.

"And then we can call everyone else. I cannot wait to see the look on stupid Deku's face when we tell him I'm getting a brat before him!" He continued and Kirishima's face fell into a fond exasperated look.

"Only you'd make having children a competition babe." Kirishima said with a sigh while Miyana laughed at their familiar antics.

'They really haven't changed at all huh?' She thought, remembering all the competitions they'd have with each other and the few times they managed to saddle Midoriya into whatever mischief they were up to. Her boys could literally make anything from walking up the stairs to doing laundry into a competition.

'Well, not that I'm complaining.' She thought as she watched her favourite boys squabble over something random with a fond nostalgic smile.

'That just means they're still my babies.'

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