"Welcome home, Princess."

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Kirishima spent the next month attending his physiotherapy classes, visiting his daughter or going through the grueling task of cleaning out their junk closet. While Bakugo ended up spending a lot more time at their agency, having to cover for Kirishima while making up for their extended leave left the poor hotheaded man buried under a mountain of paperwork.

Kirishima had offered to help as he stirred their fifth pot of mac and cheese that week (the redheads cooking repertoire was somewhat lacking) while his husband cursed at inanimate words on pages. But he was immediately shot down.

"You're dealing with our junk room, rehab, making all our food and you're visiting Rene every day. Don't be fucking stupid." Bakugo had replied with a frown as he aggressively scrawled his signature on the 100th piece of paper that day. Kirishima felt the largest grin grow on his face and bounded over to his husband. He bent down to wrap his arms around the seated blonde, burying his face into fluffy, caramel scented hair.

"You are literally the best husband ever Bakubabe." Kirishima told him as he pressed butterfly kisses along Bakugo's neck.

"Well no shit, Ei. I'm always the best." Bakugo snarked before getting out of his chair, switching off the stove and serving the two men. He then grabbed a bottle of red wine and settled into their plush couch, turning on the TV. Watching in satisfaction as his husband's red eyes shone with excitement.

"Crimson Riot: The Riot Continues?! Suki..." The redhead sprinted over to the couch and buried his head into his husband's chest, wrapping his thick arms around the mans slender waist. Bakugo sported an amused look as he placed the plates on their coffee table.

"You know you have to actually look at the screen to watch a movie right?" Bakugo said with a smirk even as his own arms surrrounded the redhead burrowed in his chest.

"Give me a minute to process how lucky I am to have you as a husband, and get my tear ducts under control. Fatherhood has made me very emotional." Kirishima asserted before pulling away and giving Bakugo a radiant smile.
"Thank you so much for this... I love you so much Katsuki..." Kirishima said before kissing the blonde lovingly and turning his attention to the movie he'd been dying to watch for the past two months but missed during his hospitalisation.

Bakugo snuggled further into his warm husband's side as he shovelled the best mac and cheese he'd ever tasted into his mouth. His clumsy husband may not be able to make much but his mac and cheese was to die for. He absently wondered if they could make this a regular thing when Rene was old enough to watch movies. A Movie Friday or something like that.

Kirishima had also managed to finally visit UA high, a batch of Mac and Cheese in hand instead of the usual baked treats that Bakugo had stress baked that week.

Kirishima had made it a point to keep in touch with his old mentors that way. Visiting the ageing pro-heroes at least once a month with some tasty treat in hand.

"Ah! Young Kirishima! It is good to see you again!" All Might greeted his ex-student heartily, perking up when he saw the wide grin on the redheads face.

"All Might! How've you been, sensei?" Kirishima responded as he engulfed the scrawny man in a hug.

"Been great my boy! The new students definitely keep us on our toes though! One student even managed to submerge the entire training ground in water today. Aizawa came out of the mini aquarium looking like a sulking wet cat cause he had to wade through the water to get to her and turn off her quirk." All Might finished with a mighty laugh.

"Oh wow, that's a really manly quirk though!" Kirishima said with an excited grin before remembering his snack. He placed the large box of mac and cheese on a nearby table before turning to All Might again.

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