"You're Everything, Kats... Thank you."

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A/N: This chapter has a few PG-13 elements!

Katsuki glanced at the shivering man next to him, a rare and heavy silence permeating the space.

He slipped his fingers through his husbands clammy, quivering ones and heaved a small sigh of relief when Kirishima squeezed back.

Bakugo gently lead Kirishima out of the car when they reached their apartment. Eijiro shot his husband a grateful look before taking on a green hue and turning away, narrowly avoiding decorating Bakugo's new shoes with his lunch.

Bakugo was immediately at the redhead's side, rubbing soothing circles on his broad back. He startled a bit when he saw crystal tears making their way down tan cheeks.

"Ei..." He whispered worriedly as Kirishima's violent retching began to slow down. The redhead just shook his head and shakily got to his feet before attempting to open their front door with shaky hands. The result of that was obvious and Kirishima let out a frustrated groan at his inability to even get a single door open. Katsuki gently wrapped his hand around his husbands to steady his grip before getting the door open.

Kirishima's tears began to flow anew. He felt weak and weathered and so unlovable in that moment. A feeling he thought he had grown out of along the way. The realisation that he seemed to be back at square one just because of a villain attack tugged harshly at his heart. Kirishima pulled out of Katsuki's hold and walked towards the washroom to brush his teeth, pointedly avoiding looking at himself in the mirror. He didn't want to see the defeated look he was sure he was sporting.

Bakugo sighed worriedly as he analysed the larger man's unusual actions. He'd only ever seen the redhead act like this one other time, after finding out about Sir Nighteye's death.


It was the first time Bakugo had ever seen the redhead (he was falling for at an astonishing pace) so quiet and almost pensive.

Kirishima had been recovering well and seemed to be his usual sunny self whenever anyone addressed him, but Bakugo could tell that there was a subtle difference in his demeanour. Ashido seemed to have noticed as well if her constant worried glances were any indication. She also seemed weirdly determined to redye Kirishima's hair and seemed to become more worried with every inch of black sprouting from his scalp.

Their joint worries came to a head when Kirishima collapsed right in the middle of a training session against Aoyama. His body turned to complete stone as he went down, an indicator of him overworking himself. It was also very dangerous as during these times of absolute solidity, his lungs solidified too making it impossible for him to breathe.

Iida immediately rushed to Aizawa's office, using his recipro burst to get there in 1 minute and scooped up their snoozing teacher before rushing back to class. Explaining the situation to the bewildered teacher on the way.

Bakugo would've bursted out laughing at the sight of a winded Aizawa being held like a princess in Iida's strong arms, in any other circumstance. But with Kirishima gasping weakly for breath right in front of them, nothing seemed amusing.

The class let out a collective sigh of relief when Aizawa cancelled the redhead's quirk allowing him to take a deep breath, coughing lightly as he tried to get his lungs to work properly. Mina placed a gentle hand on Kirishima's forearm as his eyes fluttered open, a vacant look reflected in the usually expressive vermillion orbs.

"You ok, Kiri?" She asked gently, approaching the man like one would a wounded animal. Kirishima seemed to try etching a smile onto his lips but only managed a tiny grimace before giving up altogether.

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