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A/N: I try to put in doujinshi's in all my fanfictions! Hope you enjoy!

A wave of emptiness washed over Bakugo as he unlocked his front door. He limped into the narrow passageway, pausing at the sight of red crocs thrown haphazardly at the entrance. He sighed deeply running a hand over his dirty and bloody face.

He walked further into the loft, splashes of vibrant red mixed in with subtle oranges and blacks. Bakugo landed his heavy muddy body straight onto the plush cream couch, a wry grin spreading at the thought of a fiery redhead admonishing him for his actions.

The perturbed yell never came though, and a heavy silence settled in all around him.

"Be productive" His brain helpfully suggested as a way of a welcome distraction. Bakugo got up with a grunt, his limbs felt like lead after the ordeal he'd just put his body through but he persevered. The sound of rustling papers, as he filed away the carelessly strewn mess on their dining table, filled the once all-consuming silence.
His hands shook as he picked up Eijiros papers, rings of coffee on them again despite being screamed at every time he handed them in. But he soldiered on tiding up till he could see the surface of the light wood finished table for the first time since they'd bought the place.

But Bakugo still couldn't stop moving. Because the minute he did, he'd be plagued by so.. so many thoughts and emotions... He couldn't handle that just yet.

So he made the kitchen his next target. He began washing the leftover dishes like they had personally offended him. Scrubbing till his slightly burnt hands were stinging and sore. He only stopped when noticed the next item he reached for stare at him with wide pink rhinestone eyes. Bakugo gulped down a wad of emotion as he inspected the bedazzled protein shake bottle he'd given Eijiro for their first anniversary. He'd noticed Ejirou looking at the sparkly unicorn printed monstrosity multiple times during their shopping trip and after much deliberation decided to just bite the bullet and walk into 'frills and frolic' (the store's actual name) and buy the damn thing.

There had been many nervous glances and whispers behind his back during the short visit, but he'd do it a million times over to see that bright sparkly grin that filled Eijiros face when he handed him the bedazzled disaster.

4 years later when they finally moved in together, he was shocked to see the mug gleaming innocently in a box filed with Eijiros stuff. Knowing that his clumsy oaf of a boyfriend had kept this, seemingly benign, present Katsuki had given him so carefully filled him with this warmth he had never felt before.

It was that feeling that drove home a single thought in Katsuki's head. "I want to spend the rest of my life with this man."

Katsuki scrubbed a finger under his damn leaky eye and put the rinsed cup safely back in its place in one of their upper shelves.

Katsuki looked at the sparkling kitchen with a sigh. There was nothing else for him to do. They'd taken care of the games room only a couple days earlier and their living room was tidy as well.

The realisation unfurled the tight knot holding his emotions at bay, just a bit as he began walking towards their room. He speed-walked past a wall full of pictures, unable to even look at them.

The minute Katsuki entered their room, the absolute quietness of their living area seemed to multiply by a 1000.

He couldn't hear the sound of Eijiro's hairdryer as he came out of the shower or his light humming. The heavy thuds of his soles were absent along with the warmth that would engulf Katsuki every time Eijiro looked at him with that megawatt smile he reserved only for him.

He couldn't hear anything, feel anything.

He'd always appreciated the silence, he thrived in it, but he'd never known silence to be so deafening.

His eyes flitted over to their stereo, looking for something to drown the silence out a bit. The second he turned on the music, the ball in his chest seemed to be rapidly unfurling. The change was so sudden that Bakugo didn't feel like he could support his own weight, crashing onto their bed instead.

And there he let out his first cry. Surrounded by the lingering scent of his husband with Eijiro's favourite playlist playing in the background.

He sobbed into the sheets as the events of the day finally caught up to him. He buried himself into the plush comforter, curling himself into a ball as he recalled every blow, every crack, Eijiro took in his place. He remembered the gentle smile on his face when as blood leaked out of his mouth.

"If only I wasn't so fucking weak!"

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