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Mitsuki and Masaru were absolutely floored at the news of their upcoming grandchild. But as usual, Masaru recovered faster than Mitsuki, tears filling his eyes as he wrapped the two boys in a surprisingly strong hug.

"I'm gonna be a grandpa!" Masaru said with an excited laugh breaking Mitsuki out of her trance. She looked at the group hug in front of her and found gentle red eyes looking at her nervously. Kirishima held out his hand to her hesitantly and instantly brightened when she took it. He shot her a cheeky grin before pulling her into the hug as well.

"T-thank you both so so much for letting me be a part of this..." Mitsuki broke the comfortable silence that they'd settled into, the two couples settled on opposite couches. She cuddled closer to Masaru who looked as surprised at her words as everyone else in the living room.

"My-ahem-The therapist I'm seeing brought some things into perspective. And I know nothing I say will ever change what happened in the past but could I ask you to listen?" Mitsuki asked more meekly than anyone had ever heard her. Well except Masaru who just nodded to her in silent support, wrapping his arm around her more firmly.

Eijiro and Katsuki exchanged a look before nodding, Eijiro slipping his fingers into Katsuki's. Katsuki squeezed his hand as a silent 'thank you' before facing his mother with an expectant expression. Mitsuki Bakugo sighed before beginning.

"My mother was kind of a spartan. Like if I was bad then she was so so much worse. She wanted me to always be first and would do anything to see me become the best. She needed a trophy daughter to brag about to her equally shallow group of friends. So that's all I grew up seeing, Parents pushing their children till their breaking point. And when they break they'd go run away with a guy or chop off all their hair or do something crazy like that. But they'd always return to the way they were before." Mitsuki looked at the pair of boys in front of her for a second before looking away in shame.

"That's why I thought you were just acting out when I caught you with Kirishima. This in no way excuses the crap I said that day. Or how I treated you after the fact. When you finally left for that internship in Osaka for a whole year without even telling me. I thought you were just running away and acting like a brat but now I see that you truly had a reason for that. I was a monster to you Katsuki... I'm so sorry it had to come to Masaru slamming down divorce papers for me to finally open my eyes to what a bitch I had been. You freezing me out for those 5 years was necessary for you and I get that." Mitsuki looked up at her sons awestruck yet hopeful expression and felt a soft smile grow onto her tear-stained face.

"Everything you did was right Katsuki. You're already so much better than me. Kirishima just amplifies that goodness in you and... and I'm so proud of you son. And I love you, you may not believe me after everything I've put you through but I do. And I will always be here for you. Katsuki, you're going to be a wonderful parent." Mitsuki finished with a bright smile. Katsuki had last seen that smile when he was a very young child.

Bakugo's mouth was open in disbelief as tears poured down his face. He could slowly feel some unknown weight lifting off her chest as he saw the gentle expression on his mothers face. Before he even knew what he was doing he was out of his seat and racing towards Mitsuki. He crashed in front of her, wrapping his arms snuggly around her middle as he softly sobbed into her.

"Mom..." The tone that was ripped out of his mouth was weak and so childish and if he was anywhere else he would've probably been extremely agitated at being seen in such a vulnerable state. But right here in his childhood home, wrapped in the embrace of his mother after so many years he felt a sense of protection and peace he hadn't ever experienced in his life.

Mitsuki hushed her weeping 29-year-old son, wrapping her arms securely around his fluffy blonde hair. She placed a kiss on her son's forehead for the first time in years and wept a little harder at the prospect.

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