"Not your fault, Ears."

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Kaminari spat out his wine as he gaped at the couple in front of him.

"Y-you're serious?! This isn't some cruel April 1st joke?" Kaminari rushed out, a wide grin threatening to split his face in two.

"Yes! We're adopting Rene, Denki!" Kirishima repeated excitedly before the entire table blew up in their usual rambunctious style.

"THAT IS SO MANLY!" Tetsutetsu yelled happily beside his wife, Itsuka who looked at the happy couple with a soft smile. The couple themselves had been trying to conceive for almost 3 years without much luck, but they were happy nonetheless. Faced with Kirishima's sunny grin and Bakugo's barely concealed excitement, how could they be anything but.

Jiro had a proud smile plastered on her face, her hand buried in Yaoyorozu's, their matching wedding bands glinting in the harsh LED lights of the restaurant they were all seated at.

Ashido heaved a huge sigh of relief as she dramatically leaned on her husband's shoulder. "Finally! I don't think I could've kept this a secret for much longer!" She said loudly prompting an amused huff from Sero.

"You didn't keep it a secret, my love. You told me the second Kirishima told you." He said with a teasing look which grew to a full-fledged grin when he heard two indignant whines.

"Mina!" Kirishima whined with an amused smile.

"Well glad to know I was the last one to find out!" Kaminari whined and sucked on his Cosmo sulkily.

"You know you can't keep secrets to save your life, babe." Shinshou said with a tiny grin and laughed when Kaminari whacked him in retaliation.

"Congratulations Kacchan!" Midoriya exclaimed, his eyes glittering with happiness, pride and awe. He'd expected their huge announcement at lunch to be them opening a new branch of Ground Riot in the States or something not... this. It had taken him a couple of minutes to process the fact that his Kacchan was going to raise a child. For the briefest moment, his brain pictured the older version of Katsuki Bakugo the unruly, unempathetic bully he knew raising a sweet young baby but that vision instantly faded away when he saw the proud, soft grin on present Bakugo Katsuki. His Kacchan no longer existed his realised gleefully, the man in front of him was so much more...

His confidence no longer stemmed from a false sense of bravado but from the stability and love he'd discovered in Kirishima and everyone around him. He was no longer that scared little boy who had to be at the top to feel valid or worthy, he was a fully grown man who knew that he wasn't perfect but that that was ok.
Midoriya's musings were cut short by a loud voice.

"Suck on that Deku! Ei and I beat you and icy hot! Look at this cuteness and weep!" Katsuki said with a wide crazed smile waving the picture of baby Rene in Midoriya's face.

'So maybe he hadn't changed that much.' Midoriya thought with a fond, exasperated smile but still took the phone to coo at the cute baby that'd soon be in their lives.

Kirishima laughed at his husband's antics before letting his eyes flit over every face in their self-made family. Iida and Hatsume sat at the end of the table engaged in a conversation with Tetsutetsu and Itsuka, wide grins spread on all their faces. Beside them sat Uraraka and Tsuyu-chan who were glancing at Bakugo's phone still in Midoriya's hands and cooing at a picture of his cute daughter. The happiness in the atmosphere even influenced the usually stoic Todoroki who was looking at Midoriya with a soft, contemplative look. Kirishima laughed a bit at that, 'looks like there may be more additions to our family soon.' He thought before continuing his journey down the table.

Kaminari and Shinsou were still bickering but their eyes betrayed their fondness for each other and utter happiness with the news. Sero caught his eye and gave him a huge smile and a thumbs up before continuing his titillating conversation about the cuteness of baby socks with Yaoyorozu and Jiro who was surprisingly taking an active part in this talk about bows and frills. A few members of their family were missing, Ojiro and Hagakure were still on their year-long trip around the world so they'd have to tell them when they call next. Tokoyomi, Kouda, Shouji and Sato were on missions across the globe and couldn't be there but they'd soon figure it out with all the baby stuff already blowing up their group chat.

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