"Welcome to Marie Orphanage..."

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The doctors conducted a final round of tests and Kirishima could finally go home.

Kirishima opened the door for Bakugo as he always did, Bakugo could finally admonish him for throwing his shoes off in a haphazardous manner, they could finally drink tea in their favourite cups as they cuddled on the couch. Eijiro took an exaggerated breath in before sighing in relief and cuddling further into his husband.

"I'm home, Suki." He said quietly, the silent tears falling down his face mirror the ones on Katsuki's.

"Yes, you beautiful bastard. You're finally home." Katsuki said with a small content smile, despite the steady flow of tears, tightening his grip on the redhead.

They were supposed to go tell Mitsuki about their decision to adopt and start looking into the procedures they'd have to follow to adopt baby Rene, but they did neither.

Choosing the third and more fun option. Losing themselves in each other despite repeated warnings from their doctor.

The next day, after they finally managed to untangle themselves from each other and had their first actual meal at their still clear dining table, they headed towards the Bakugo residence. Though Eijiro proposed a detour that Katsuki was all too happy to take.

"Welcome to Marie Orphanage... Oh, Ground Zero its good to see you again. I'm guessing this is Red Riot then?" A friendly sister in a habit greeted them gracefully. Eijiro grinned widely and nodded excitedly.

"Kirishima Eijiro, it's a pleasure to meet you...?" Eijiro replied happily.

"Oh dear, where are my manners. I am sister Rose Desmond. Shall I show you to Rene now then?" Sister Rose asked but Katsuki shook his head.

"Don't worry about it. I know my way around." He grabbed Eijiro's hand and began leading him to a room with tulips on its door leaving Eijiro to give the sister an apologetic look which she immediately waved away with a smile, seemingly used to Bakugo's antics already.

Katsuki opened the door and walked to a crib at the end of the room. And there she was in a cute pink onesie. Her wide curious eyes flitting between the two heroes before letting out a weird garbled sound as she drooled all over herself.

Eijiro laughed at the little girl before picking her up and cleaning her chin with a soft towel. He was looking at the child in his arms with thinly veiled wonder.

"She looks so much like her brother..." Eijiro whispered as tears collected in his eyes. He'd never been able to properly grieve for their kind-hearted sidekick.
"I'm sorry you didn't get to grow up with him Rene... But we'll tell you stories about how awesome he was every night. I promise. We have pictures of him already but we'll add more. You'll never be alone baby girl. You'll have your brother looking after you from heaven and you'll have the both of us to protect you on Earth. That's a pretty cool team huh?" Eijiro whispered to the baby in his arms. Eijiro knew the deep-rooted guilt he felt from not being able to protect the kid, no matter how illogical, was going to haunt him for a long long time.

Katsuki wrapped an arm around his husband, a small smile on his thin lips. Yes, they would definitely find a way to add Joe into her life.

Katsuki left Eijiro to play with Rene claiming to go to the washroom. He instead knocked on Mother Abella Marie's door.

"Ah, Mr Bakugo. What can I do for you?" Mother Marie asked kindly as she let the blonde man into her office, though she had an inkling as to what he was about to ask. She had been expecting it for a while and now that he'd even brought his significant other along she was sure of it.

"How do we adopt Rene?" Katsuki asked as he took a seat across the head of the orphanage.

"All you have to do is fill out the adoption papers. One of our associates will come to vet your place of residence to make sure you can provide a safe and comfortable life for Rene. After that, you would have to attend one court hearing for transferral of parental rights to you and Mr Kirishima and that would be all. This will all be done under two months, three at most." She said, already reaching for the adoption papers in her drawer.

"I've heard that the adoption process can take years. Especially for gay couples" Katsuki asked, giving the adoption papers a cursory glance.

"Finding the perfect child or baby for the family is what takes the most time. Even longer if someone is trying to adopt a newborn, as most of the time the new mother gets attached to the baby and refuses to give her child to anyone. Do not even get me started on the ones who demand their baby possess a laundry list of specific traits. You and Mr Kirishima are adopting a child who has no one, and are willing to give her a warm and loving home. I've seen how you've interacted with her over these past months Mr Bakugo, you deeply care for her and that's all I could ask for. All I want is for these children to find people who truly love and care for them. I wouldn't want to prolong her stay in this orphanage, she should get used to her new home instead." Mother Marie said warmly, laughing behind her fingers when she saw the light blush on the badass number 2 hero.

"Thanks... I guess... And don't worry. Ei'll be a damn good parent too." Katsuki said proudly before grabbing the paper and standing up.

"I have no doubt Mr Bakugo." Mother Marie replied with a teasing expression. Bakugo grinned back before strutting out the door.

"I'll give you the filled-in form when we meet next, Mother Marie." He said as the door shut behind him.

He came back to find Eijiro almost asleep, hunched over the crib. A tiny fist holding one of his thick fingers hostage. A soft smile crept up on Katsuki's face as he gently woke his giant of a boyfriend up. Eijiro groggily looked at Katsuki and chuckled softly.

"That was a long bathroom break... Constipation? No, wait, piles?" Eijiro asked cheekily making Katsuki scrunch his nose up cutely before swatting the back of Eijiro's head.

"Jeez, what're you, 5? You're about to become a dad ya know?" Katsuki said with a cheeky grin of his own, brandishing the adoption papers. Eijiro's face split into a grin as he grabbed it out of Katsuki's hands.

"Holy heck! I didn't know I could get more excited but somehow I'm even more excited now Suki!" Eijiro said happily before looking at the chubby baby in the crib.
"See this Rene! This means you're coming home with us soon! Can you believe that? I can't wait to bring you home, princess." Eijiro said softly, stroking a chubby cheek with one of his fingers.

Katsuki watched his beautiful husband interact with their beautiful soon-to-be daughter and genuinely wondered what he'd done to deserve someone like Eijiro in his life. But he sincerely thanked whatever God that helped him cross paths with the angel before him.

He could feel his eyes becomes slightly misty with his influx of emotion and quickly cleared his throat before glancing up at the time.

"C'mon, Ei. It's already 4. We need to get a move on if we want to get to my folk's place on time." He asserted. Eijiro nodded dejectedly before placing a soft kiss on Rene's forehead and shaking free of her tiny fist, handing her her stuffed toy instead.

"I'm coming here every day until she comes home!" Eijiro vowed as he got into the car and Katsuki huffed out a laugh.

"Well, at least now you know what you're going to do for the rest of your forced vacation." Bakugo said with a smile as he headed towards his parent's place.

"Well meeting up with Rene and refurnishing our junk room to house an actual baby seem to be my plans for the foreseeable future. By the end of these two months, Rene'll be a papa's girl and we'll have enough stuff to give three homeless shelters." Kirishima said with a cheeky smile.

"Dream on Shitty Hair! She's gonna be a daddy's girl through and through." Katsuki huffed but smiled again when Eijiro grasped onto his thigh with shaky hands.

"Yeah-ahem-yeah? You're on Suki!" Ei said with so much joy and emotion coating his voice Katsuki just had to glance at him and boy was he glad he did.

Eijiro surrounded by the glow of the sun, wearing that soft beautiful smile, was definitely the best reason to crash into a tree.

Which luckily didn't happen, but even if it did, Katsuki thought that was a pretty damn valid excuse.

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