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HOPE MIKAELSON WALKED OUT OF THE Defence classroom in a rage, a fully controlled rage. Hermione was the fastest to catch up to her with Harry and Ron trailing behind.

How dare Snape expose her as a Terra witch. How dare he plan lessons all because of who she is? It's like he wanted people to purposefully find out who she is. She needed to let off some steam.

She needed to shift, urgently.

Hermione caught her arm and turned Hope around, a worried look on her face. "Are you alright, Hope?"

"I can't believe him! It's meant to be my choice if I wanted people to know. He took away all my control."

"Snape's a dick. He always has been." Ron said, nudging Hope's shoulder with his.

"He has it out for all of us." Harry inputted, a sheepish grin on his face.

"Great." Hope rolled her eyes. This was just what she needed at a new school. She still wanted to shift. "Sorry guys, I kind of just wanna be alone right now. Is there anywhere in the castle where I can, without being found?" She asked.

The three immediately understood where she was coming from and started listing off the possible places only for it to be shot down by one another.

The second-floor girls' toilets, her dorm room, the astronomy tower, even Ron had jokingly suggested the Chamber of Secrets, to which Hope raised her eyebrow.

"Sweet Circe, how could we be so stupid?" Hermione suddenly exclaimed. "The Room of Requirement."

"Oh yeah, that would do it." Ron nodded his head.

"The room of what?"

"Room of Requirement. It's on the seventh-floor corridor, opposite the troll tapestry. Just pace back and forth outside it three times, thinking of what you want, and it will appear." Harry explained.

So, this is what Dumbledore had wanted her to do. He could have just said so.

"Brilliant. Thanks guys, I'll see you all for lunch!" Hope's mood had increased greatly. She was finally going to shift into her wolf after so long.

They all had a free period, in which they had all planned to relax in the common room for. They didn't want to fall into studying so early into the term.

Except Hermione.

Hope practically ran to the seventh-floor corridor. She couldn't contain her excitement at being able to shift. As soon as the troll tapestry came into sight, she thought clearly of what she wanted and began to pace back and forth.

I want somewhere to safely transform into my wolf.

I want somewhere to safely transform into my wolf.

I want somewhere to safely transform into my wolf.

When she opened her eyes, a silver door was appearing before her.

Hope sighed in relief that it had actually worked. Without a second thought, she checked over her shoulders to see if anyone was around. There wasn't and so she walked into the Room of Requirement.

She didn't really know what to expect when she walked inside. But what she did see, blew her away.

It was completely endless. A room full of trees, grass, and flowers. It even smelt like the great outdoors. There may have been no actual sky and sunlight, but it looked damn realistic.

It was exactly what Hope needed. It was much better than the Forbidden Forest, where other creatures could possibly attack her. In here, she could do whatever she wanted as she was completely alone.

She quickly pulled off her clothes, not wanted to ruin them during the transformation. If she did, she would have no clothes to walk back through the school.

As soon as she was nude, she closed her eyes and called upon the wolf inside her. She welcomed the transformation; the cracking and shaping of her bones, her teeth elongating and fur sprouting from her skin.

What used to be a long and painful experience now only took seconds and wasn't painful. It just felt like a really bad itch.

The wolf was on all fours, padding her feet into the ground. With a yip, the wolf ran off through the woods, relishing in the feel of wind against her fur. There wasn't any real wind, but how fast Hope was running, created her own.

There was something freeing about being in her wolf form. It was as if all her worries disappeared. She was able to have fun and not think about everything.

Snape exposing her was pushed to the back of her mind. All she had to focus on was running around.

Her tail wagged as she came across a small pond. She came to a stop and lapped up some water before she paddled inside and jumped about.

But what she didn't know was that a Slytherin sixth year was stood outside the room of requirement wondering why it wouldn't open to what he wanted.

Show me the room where all things are lost.

Show me the room where all things are lost.

Show me the room where all things are lost.

The room would not open. He had a mission to complete. He needed to get inside.

It became painfully obvious that someone was already inside, hence why it wasn't opening. He needed to kick them out. Now.

I wish to see the room that someone is already in.

I wish to see the room that someone is already in.

I wish to see the room that someone is already in.

The door appeared and he thanked Salazar. It was about time. He had been trying to get in for far too long.

But what he didn't expect was to enter the great outdoors. What lay before him was a forest, a forest that certainly didn't fit with being inside a room, but at the same time it did.

What confused him even more was the pile of clothes on the floor and a pale wand on top.

He walked forwards in between the trees. Even more curious to find out who was here. Why would they leave all that behind?

He looked around frantically as he heard what sounded like feet against the ground rushing towards him. It was loud and quick, suggesting that they were running.

The wolf had smelt the student as he entered. Rushing full pelt towards him. She stopped for a second, sitting on her hind legs as the boy spotted her. He was frozen in place staring at her.

Without warning, Hope ran at the Slytherin and jumped on him in her wolf form.

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