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DRACO MALFOY HAD BEEN PACING OUTSIDE THE ROOM OF REQUIREMENT for a while. He had asked multiple times for the hidden room, but nothing had happened. It only meant one thing, that someone else was in there.

He only knew one person who liked to use that room as much as he did.

Hope bloody Marshall.

The scowl on his face deepened. She infuriated him to no end. He didn't have time for witches, he had a job to do. Hope Marshall was fooling herself if she thought she could help him.

No one could. He didn't need help from anyone, especially from a Gryffindor.

But Hope was different. She somehow understood him better than anyone else.

Closing his eyes, he asked for the room that Hope was in. He was praying that she hadn't asked for no intruders, otherwise he'd be stuck.

And he was in luck, a door appeared, and he opened it to a familiar sight.

It was Hope's childhood bedroom, the one he had found her in before.

She was sat on the floor, cross-legged, with her eyes closed.

"Marshall." Malfoy called her name as he walked closer to her.

Only she didn't answer. She didn't even flinch at hearing his voice, there was no reaction at all.

"Marshall, what are you doing?" His brows furrowed as he crouched down to the floor. His hand went to reach for her shoulder, but he recoiled in shock as his hand hit a barrier.

Looking down he noticed the salt on the floor circling her.

He could only assume that it was some sort of Terra Magic thing. He'd never seen it before.

And he definitely didn't know who she was talking to.

"You never came across it when making dark objects?" Hope sighed, her hand running through her hair in frustration.

She was perched on the hotel dresser, legs crossed over the other as Kol paced in front of her.

"No, I'm sorry Hope. The best I can do is look into it. It's most likely nothing to do with our magic." Kol apologised.

"It's fine. It was a long shot anyway." Her shoulders sagged. "How is everyone?"

"They're good. Marcel and Rebekah are currently in Bora Bora. You know how she's always wanted to go." Kol chuckled.

They must have spoken too soon, because the next thing they knew the door was slammed open and multiple figures in dark cloaks and masks stormed into the room.

With a flick of their wand, everything slowed down, and they could see exactly what Kol Mikaelson had planned to do.

No longer was he rushing towards them, but instead being thrown against the wall of the hotel room.

"KOL!" Hope shouted, jumping down from the chest of drawers, and running over to him.

Even as she reached for him, her hands went right through. She was sill astral projecting and not actually there.

Kol's eyes opened and all he saw was anger. "If that's how you wanna do this." Kol snarked, cracking his neck.

The veins appeared under his eyes as he made a start towards the group.

"Avada Kedavra." 

"NO!" Hope screamed as she watched her uncle collapse onto the ground.

He couldn't defend himself from them anymore. There wasn't anything she could do to stop them from taking him.

She was too focused on Kol to see that someone else had walked into the room. A witch who was not wearing the typical Death Eater attire.

The witch muttered a spell and all eyes fell upon Hope Mikaelson.

"Kol, get up! Please get up!" She begged.

"That's her. That's the Tribrid."

Hope's body froze upon hearing those words. When she looked up, everyone was staring right at her.

They. Could. See. Her.

That wasn't supposed to happen. It was never meant to be possible. There was no spell that could make that happen.

One of the Death Eater's raised their wand. "Crucio."

Draco Malfoy was sat on the floor on the other side of the salt circle, glaring at Hope Marshall. He had been trying to get her attention for far too long and nothing was happening.

Only suddenly, she fell backwards as her body convulsed on the floor.

He knew exactly what was happening to her. He'd recognise the effects of the Cruciatus curse anywhere, having been under it himself a few times.

Malfoy kept banging on the barrier and calling her name, but nothing was working. He didn't even understand how it was happening.

A loud scream pierced through the room that had him thrown into the wall on the other side of the room. Objects rattled to the floor as the whole building shook.

Then it stopped, and so did Hope.

Malfoy stumbled as he rose to stand up too quick. When he finally did reach Hope, the barrier was completely gone, and he was able to gather her into his arms.

He looked down when his hands felt sticky. They were coated in blood from a wound on her stomach. And it wasn't the only wound she had. Her face was covered in cuts, most likely the severing charm. But none were as bad as the one on her stomach.

"KOL!" Hope shot up screaming her uncle's name, only to coil over in pain.

"Hey, hey, Hope, stop moving, you're injured." Malfoy's grip tightened on her to try and make her stop.

Hope looked down to the wound on her stomach and brushed it off. "I'll heal." She was already out of Malfoy's arms as he gaped at her.

"What the fuck just happened?" Malfoy asked as Hope turned away from him. "Marshall!"

"I-I need to go."

Hope Mikaelson actually looked scared for once as she looked back at him.

"Hope. What happened?" Draco gently gripped onto her hand and led her to sit down on the edge of the bed.

He bent down to his knees so that he could take a look at her wound. It was slowly healing, but Draco noticed the pieces of wood lodged inside.

"It's not meant to be possible." Hope muttered under her breath. Her eyebrows were furrowed, deep in thought.

"What is?"

She looked down to find Malfoy staring directly at her. She didn't even realise he was that close. She hadn't even noticed his hands on her stomach.

"They shouldn't have been able to see me." Hope explained. "I was astral projecting, talking to Kol about H...something. And then Death Eaters stormed in. A witch cast some spell and next thing I knew I was being attacked. It's not meant to be possible."

"Is this Kol person, okay?"

"Yeah, he'll be fine, I took care of it." Hope looked away as she said the words.

"What do you mean you took care of it, Hope?" Draco asked, worriedly.

"It means, I took care of it." 

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