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THE MIKAELSON'S HAD OF COURSE STAYED IN ONE OF THE MOST prestigious hotels London had to offer. Kol Mikaelson wouldn't have anything less, having always been surrounded by extravagance ever since he could compel anything he wanted. With a simple look into someone's eyes, a vampire could get them to do whatever they wanted.

Unless they were a supernatural creature themselves or knew about Vervain.

They left the Dorchester at 10am sharp, giving them plenty of time to get to Kings Cross Station.

Hope pushed the trolley that held all her belongings. It wasn't much, but it was just the perfect amount she needed.

"There's nine and ten." Freya announced, noticing the two platforms.

They headed in the direction she was pointing to and stood in front of the wall they had to run at.

"If this doesn't work, I will gladly rip someone's head off." Kol threatened, but Hope could see the playful look in his eyes.

Hope let out a nervous laugh, secretly praying that this worked and wasn't a practical joke being played on her.

Her aunt and uncle grabbed onto either side of the trolley and they all ran towards the wall.

Hope held her breath for a second, eyes closed, bracing herself for the impact that never came. When she opened her eyes again, Hope found herself on a completely different platform. The Hogwarts Express right in front of her.

They loaded her trunk into a carriage and stepped back onto the platform to say their goodbyes. This was new to the Mikaelson's, normally they would see her off at home in the compound, as she would meet other students at an undisclosed location her family couldn't get to. She would then take a Portkey to Ilvermorny.

However, Dumbledore had promised that her family would be able to pass through the wall at King's Cross as they were magical creatures.

"Oh, Hope, I'm going to miss you so much." Freya mumbled pulling her niece into a tight hug.

"You say this every year I go to school."

"And this time you're in a completely different country, I'm allowed." She pulled away from her niece and held her at arm's length. Freya lowered her voice, so that only the three of them could hear. "Remember you're going to be Hope Marshall, not Hope Mikaelson. You won't have a reputation here and can have a fresh start. But as I know you, you should try and ask Dumbledore if there's any place you can run freely in your wolf form. I know you'll want to, but you can't get caught."

"I will Aunt Freya."

"And try not to get into too much trouble. I want less letters compared to last year. And no fighting in the corridors. Please, only tell people who you really are if you trust them."

"I know."

Freya sighed and pulled her in for one last hug, before she let her have a moment with her uncle. She did always see Hope as the child she never got to have. But that was all going to change soon, her wife, Keelin, was midway through her pregnancy. Freya couldn't have been any more excited.

"My darling niece." Kol smiled. "You take care, you're in new territory here and the 'Dark Lord' is out there." Kol mocked her name. He would love to see the Dark Lord go up against the Mikaelson's. "You need help, you call us, send us a letter or whatever method you choose, and we will come running to help you. No one messes with a Mikaelson."

"I'll be fine, plus," Hope whispered the last part so that Freya couldn't hear. "You taught me everything I need to know."

"That's my niece." He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Always and Forever."

"Always and Forever." Hope mumbled back the family promise.

Her father had made the promise with two of his siblings, Elijah and Rebekah, a thousand years ago just after they had turned into the Earth's first Vampires. They would stick by each other's side, always and forever. And soon enough, the rest of his siblings, Kol and Freya, would stick by this promise as well, and later on a little Hope Mikaelson.

She climbed onto the train and sat in the compartment her trunk was loaded into. It was still empty. She took out her sketchbook and some pencils.

Hope would do some drawing on the long journey ahead of her.

"To new beginnings." She muttered to herself.

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