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HOPE MARSHALL DREADED TODAY. She would have rather suffered going back to the Salvatore Boarding School than sit in this particular lesson. Snape's lesson had finally come around about them learning the origins of vampires and werewolves.

It's not like she needed to know the information, she was basically a part of the history itself, but there was also a tiny part of her that also wanted to hear what Snape had to say.

She wanted to know how terribly wrong he was.

She sat at her desk, beside Hermione, leaving her quill and parchment untouched. Hope had no desire to make any notes, unlike everyone else in the room.

"Werewolves are creatures who turn into beasts on one night of the month and become ruthless killers. It is unknown how the Lycanthropy illness came about, but every werewolf can be traced back to one of the original seven packs. The only way to become one; is to be bitten—"

Hope snorted.

Hermione sent her a glare, but she smiled innocently.

"Have something to say, Miss Marshall?" Snape asked, aggravated by her interruption.

"Being bitten isn't the only way to become a Werewolf, sir."

His silence was the confirmation she needed to carry on.

"Lycanthropy was a curse created by a Terra Witch. When she was killed by her tribe, they activated the curse she placed upon them and turned into the very first werewolves. This curse was passed down generations and the only way to activate the curse would be to take a life. Therefore, there are two types of Werewolves, the Bitten: most commonly found in the Wizarding World and the Cursed: found in the Terra communities."

Professor Snape smirked. "You are wrong, Miss Marshall."

"Am I?"

Hope kept her mouth shut as Snape continued to lecture them about werewolves. The rest of his information seemed to be correct; wolfsbane was harmful to wolves, and there was no cure.

"Vampires, creatures that roam the night feeding on the blood of living beings; they cannot go out in the daylight and their main weakness is garlic."

Hope couldn't help the laugh that erupted from her mouth, even if she tried to stifle it from behind her hand. Why on earth did they believe that garlic was their weakness? That was one of the most stupidest things she'd ever heard.

They literally knew nothing about vampires.

"Garlic, are you serious?" She laughed.

"It is a known and proven weakness, Miss Marshall." Professor Snape stated. He was done with her.

"That's the biggest load of bull I've ever heard. Their weakness is vervain not garlic. Also, you may find that some vampires can be out in the day, if they have this fancy little thing called a daylight ring made by a Terra Witch."

"Would you rather teach the lesson?"

"Might as well, considering everything you know is wrong." Hope smirked, leaning back into her chair. She was rather enjoying the lesson now.

"Detention." Snape snapped. "Every vampire can be traced back to one of the Originals. There were five Original Vampires who were accidentally created by a witch—"

"Definitely not accidental." Hope mumbled under breath as she crossed her arm.

Hermione sent her a raised eyebrow.

"It was led to believe that there was only one Original Vampire. But over the years it was later found out that there were five. Five siblings known as the Mikaelson's. They are the oldest vampires, the first to exist. It was discovered that every vampire can be traced back to one of them, when masses of vampires suddenly died abruptly, all at once. When the Original Vampire that sired them is killed, the rest soon follow. Only two of the five siblings are still alive today."

Hope tried her best to remain as stoic as possible. Stay emotionless as he spoke. He was doing it on purpose. He wanted to rile her up for some reason.

"However, the most interesting Original Vampire would be Klaus. Everyone assumed he was the Original. One of the worlds' greatest evils."

Her nails pressed deeply into her arms. She won't let him provoke her.

"But he wasn't just a vampire. He was the Original Hybrid; the first werewolf and vampire. One of a kind, he was cursed until he found a way to break it. Once broken he was able to turn werewolves into hybrids as well. The horror stories you heard about vampires as a child, it was all him."

Snape's eyes passed over Hope. "Luckily, someone found a way to kill him."

Hope had to bite her tongue to stop herself from throwing every hex and curse she knew his way.

"Although, it is known that before he died, he had a child, a daughter. One of nature's loopholes as vampires cannot procreate, but werewolves can. She would be the first of her kind, a Tribrid, vampire, werewolf, and a witch. It was once prophesied that she would bring the end to all supernatural firstborns."


As soon as class had ended, Hope was the first one out of the door, heading to the room that would give her the freedom to think and breathe. She needed to collect her thoughts and not do something rash.

Something like murdering her Defence professor.

She paced in front of the wall three times, asking for the place she felt the safest.


A door opened and she soon found herself sitting in her childhood bedroom. The sun streamed in through the windows, lighting up the room. She could hear the faint sound of jazz music playing, the melodies never not being heard in New Orleans'.

She took a seat on the floor, leaning against her bed as her head fell against her drawn up knees.

It didn't take long for head to look up, startled. Someone else had entered the room.

Draco Malfoy stood by the door as he watched her carefully. His hands were in his pockets, out of sight. Hope couldn't decide if he was gripping his wand or not.

"So, you're this—"

"No." The words were out of her mouth before she could stop it. "I know her though, she's practically my sister."

She was speaking complete lies, but it was the only way. She couldn't have anyone know that she was actually the Tribrid yet.

Malfoy sat down next to her, leaning against the bed and held his hands in his lap, looking down at them as she spoke.

"My parents were killed when I was young, and her family basically took me in." Lies. All lies. "Her dad wasn't bad, you know? He was just...misunderstood. All he ever wanted was unconditional love. They had a pact, Always and Forever. That may have gotten lost along the way, but they found it eventually. He died to save her life. Everything he did was for her."

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