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HOPE MIKAELSON WAS AN EXTREMELY FAST LEARNER. Considering that she was a first born Mikaelson witch, magic came easily to her, so mastering any new spell was like second nature. As soon as she found out that apparation existed, she wanted nothing more than to learn it.

And that day was finally here. Although, she'd have to take it easy. If she apparated straight away it would not help her at all, more people would just become suspicious of her.

"Harry, where are you going?" Hermione demanded as Harry weaved through other students as they were all scrambling to find a good position.

"And he's gone straight to stalking Malfoy." Hope said, amusement on her face as she watched Harry place himself directly behind Malfoy.

"And how is it going between you and Malfoy?" Hermione's brows were drawn together. "Has he told you of his nefarious deeds yet?"

Hope laughed. "Not yet, although he is trusting me a lot more. Shouldn't be too hard to find what we want soon enough." Lies. She already knew his plans, but she couldn't exactly tell her friends.

They tuned back into the Ministry Official as the hall grew quiet.

"The important things to remember when apparating are the three D's! Destination, determination, deliberation!" Twycross announced. "Step one: Fix your mind firmly upon the desired destination. In this case the interior of your hoop. Kindly concentrate upon that destination now.

Hope stared upon her hoop, until she could visualise it perfectly with her eyes closed.

"Step two: focus your determination to occupy the visualised space! Let your yearning to enter it flood from your mind to every particle of your body! Step three: and only when I give the command...Turn on the spot, feeling your way into nothingness, moving with deliberation! On my command,—"

Hope took a deep breath.


Her focus was completely on appearing inside her hoop.


Hope spun on her feet, but nothing happened. In fact, she wasn't the only one. No-one had managed to apparate the first time around. Or the many tries after that. A screech sounded out throughout the hall and everyone looked around until their eyes fell on Susan Bones.

She was wobbling inside her hoop but her left leg was still in the original starting place. The Heads of House's immediately went to her side and reunited Susan with her leg.

"Splinching, or the separation of random body parts," Twycross spoke. "occurs when the mind is insufficiently determined. You must concentrate continuously upon your destination, and move, without haste, but with deliberation...thus." He stepped forward and spun on the spot, reappearing at the back of the hall. "Remember the three D's and try – two – three—"


Hope was on her way to the library from the Apparation lesson when she heard her name being called.


When she turned around, she found Malfoy's head poking out of an alcove. His hair was slightly ruffled compared to his normal slicked back, and his eyes kept darting down the corridor.

"Yes, Malfoy?" She walked over to him with a slight blush to her cheeks. All she could think about was their last interaction together.

Instead of answering he grabbed her hand, twisted her until her back was against the wall and stepped into her personal space.

Draco's mouth was upon hers before she could question what was happening. Hope melted against him, her hands tangling with the ends of his hair at his neck. His tongue traced her upper lip and he had untucked one side of her shirt from her skirt so that he could feel her bare skin.

Hope shivered and drew herself closer to him if that was even possible. He smirked against her lips before he made his way down to her jaw.

Breathless, she tightened her grip on his shoulder. "What brought this on?"

"It was either this or curse Potter." His hand had crept further up her stomach as he kissed her jaw.

"So, you thought you'd use me instead?" Hope's tone was accusing, and it made him freeze. He didn't dare look up from her neck.

"Uhhh, yes?"

"I'm not something you can just use, Draco."

He sighed and lifted his head, resting it against hers. "I know, I'm sorry. And I know it's not a good enough excuse, but I'm just so stressed over everything."

Hope lightly tugged on his hair until she could look into his eyes. "Then talk to me, I already told you I'd help you. So let me."

"I know but—" Draco was cut off as Hope placed her lips against his.

It was different to the one they had just recently shared. It was tantalisingly slow. Normally, everything between the pair was rushed and passionate. But who said taking something slow couldn't be passionate? Hope poured everything she had into the kiss.

From this moment on, it wouldn't be the same between the two. It had all been building up for a while, and this was it. He would let her in. Draco would finally open up to her fully.

Reluctantly, Hope pulled away and cradled his cheek. "Let me in." She begged.

Draco nodded his head. "Okay."

"Are you two done being so sappy?" A voice drawled.

Both of their heads snapped to the culprit to see Theodore Nott standing in the corridor with a smug smirk on his face.

"Did you need something, Nott?" Malfoy moved to stand next to Hope and she watched as his posture turned rigid. He was back to being the same as always.

"Zabini's looking for you."

"Right." Draco nodded his head. He stared at Nott, waiting for him to make the first move. But he didn't seem to get the memo. He was too busy smiling a mouth eating grin at Hope. "You wanna lead the way?"

"Nope. You go ahead, I need a word with Marshall anyway. See you in the common room." Theo leaned back against the wall.

"Right then." Draco turned to face Hope, but all the words he wanted to say, he couldn't say with Theo watching. Instead, he nodded his head then walked off.

"Well, well, well. Miss Marshall. And here I thought you were just my innocent little creature's partner. But no, you're the one who's been taking up all of Draco's time."

Hope's eyes went wide. This was what he wanted to talk about with her?

"I'm not taking up all of—"

"Uh-uh-uh" Theo waggled his finger and stepped forward. His arm fell over her shoulder, and he led her down the corridor. "I know it, you know it. It's okay. It can be our little secret, Marshall." He grinned. "As long as you admit you love him to me first."

"Theo!" Hope gasped and whacked his arm. "Stop being dramatic, I don't love him."

Hope was pretty used to Theo being like this. With not many of them being in the Care of Magical Creatures class, Theo and herself had been paired up and easily got on.

"You keep telling yourself that Hope, but I've seen the difference in him. He's been a stroppy git since we came back this year. But every time he sneaks off with you..."


AN: only 6 chapters left till we reach the beginning of my favourite parts of this story

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