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THE REST OF THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY'S WENT BY A LOT faster than Hope would have liked. It all seemed to mould into one, Christmas day and New Year's.

And then as soon as she knew it, they were back at school.

They had flooed into McGonagall's office and made their way straight to Gryffindor Tower. Harry had filled Hermione in on what she had missed out on seeing at Slughorn's party whilst she hid away from Cormac.

When Hope and Hermione had gone up to bed, Hope had told her about who she really was. If the boys knew, Hermione had just as much a right to know as well. And Hope trusted her after all.

Hermione didn't interrupt once to Hope's relief. She let Hope tell her story then asked all the questions she had at the end.

Hope walked down the corridor, she had just been to her Care of Magical Creatures class and was on her way to the library to get a head start on some of the homework she had already received from her first few classes of the day.

Although, she never made it as her arm was grabbed and she was pulled into a storage closet. She elbowed her attacker in the face, and they grunted in response, immediately letting go of her.

"Sweet Salazar," He cursed. "Still violent I see, Marshall."

"Malfoy? Why'd you drag me into a storage closet?" Her eyes adjusted to the darkness, and she could see him rubbing at his left cheek.

"To make out, what else do people do in storage closets?"

"Don't make me hit you again."

"For all you know, I could really enjoy it." The corners of Malfoy's lips quirked upwards into a smirk.

Hope clenched her hand into a fist for two seconds, sending a brain aneurysm his way.

Malfoy clutched onto his head, groaning as all he felt was nerve ending pain.

"OW! What was that for?" Malfoy complained, standing up right once more.

"That's what you get for being a git."

"I thought I was being polite."

Hope leaned back against the wall, her arms crossing over her chest. "Malfoy..."

Malfoy's posture completely changed. He straightened up and his face turned furious.

"Are you fucking crazy attacking Greyback like you did? He knows you're a werewolf and is very much obsessed with you. You really don't want to know all the things he wants to do to you. Even Bellatrix saw you and now they both won't stop talking to the Dark Lord about you. And you know what he did? He came to me." Draco continued to rant, not even noticing that he was stepping closer to Hope with every word.

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