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THE FIRST FEW DAYS OF TERM HAD BEEN VERY AMUSING to Hope Mikaelson. She got along extremely well with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. She couldn't have asked for better friends to spend her time with.

She felt bad lying to them about who she really was but there wasn't anything she could do. She wanted to fully trust them before she told them. She wanted to already know how they would react.

If they hated her for it, she didn't know what she'd do.

After a few days, Hope had become restless, she was itching to transform into her wolf and run around. 

Maybe that was how she found herself sat in Dumbledore's office. His hands were clasped together on the desk in front of her as he studied her.

She was nervous to say the least, it wasn't exactly fun having the headmaster scrutinise you.

"Miss Mikaelson, how are you enjoying Hogwarts so far?"

"It's good, a lot different to Ilvermorny. A good different that is." Hope fumbled.

"Because no-one knows who you are?"

"Uhhh." Was this a trick question? "Yes." She responded carefully.

"And we should very much keep it that way. As you know, Lord Voldemort is looking to build up his army and should he find out about you. Well... I fear it would be the very end."

"No-one will know unless I want them to." Hope eyed him as he stood up and began to slowly walk around his office.

"However, I have informed the Order of who you are." He watched for her reaction, but Hope stayed perfectly composed. "The Order is a resistance if you will, against Voldemort. I believe it was precedent that they know who you are for your protection."

"Thank you?" It was more of a question than actual gratitude. Was it worth it for them to all know? He'd taken the choice away from her.

"Now as to why you're actually here, you're wondering where the best possible place is for you to transform safely?"

Hope's head tilted and she leant forward slightly "How did you know?"

The headmaster ignored her question. "There is of course the Forbidden Forest where it is endless and freeing. However, I must warn you that some of the creatures that live there may not take too likely to a Werewolf in their home. Especially a type of wolf they have never encountered."

"On the other hand, one could venture up to the Seventh Floor Corridor where Barnabas is teaching the trolls to perform ballet, and simply ask for her desires. I would be curious to see what would happen. But alas, it is completely up to you and watch out for prefects. I won't be able to help you there."

So that's what she did, she snuck out of bed after hours, once everyone else had fallen asleep, especially Hermione. Hope knew that if anyone was going to figure it out, it would be Hermione.

Hope found the tapestry and smiled at the sight of one of the trolls fast asleep, although his toes kept pointing and relaxing. Maybe Barnabus' attempts to teach them ballet was finally paying off.

She turned around and faced the blank wall that Dumbledore had been talking about. She felt idiotic about what she was about to do.

"I'd like a place where I can run about as a wolf?" She asked out loud. "Please." She added as an afterthought.

Hope stood there waiting for something to happen as she fiddled with her wand. She felt stupid asking for something that clearly wasn't going to work.

Dumbledore made her act like a fool. He was probably laughing his head off at her in his office. The old fool.

She'd just have to try her luck in the Forbidden Forest. Or maybe she could ask Hermione about it without being too obvious.

Hope sighed to herself and decided to head back to her dorm. She would go out tomorrow night to the Forbidden Forest to transform. It was slowly starting to take a toll on her body without changing.

As she walked, she didn't notice the body she crashed into. They caught her arm, before she could fall to the ground. She looked up to see Draco Malfoy.

Hope righted herself and pulled out of his grip.

"What are you doing here?" She asked. They were stood at the end of the corridor.

His eyebrow rose in amusement. "Me? I think I should be asking you that question, considering I'm the prefect, Marshall."

Hope's eyespinpointed onto his prefect badge upon his uniform. She groaned inwardly at thefact she had been caught. Dumbledore told her specifically not to getcaught when she went off to transform. He would not be able to help her if she did.

"Didn't prefect hours finish hours ago?" Her eyebrow rose as well. She knew this fact to be true considering Hermione was tucked away in her bed instead of roaming the halls.

Draco's eyes widened for a second, Hope not missing this, then he masked his emotions. "Considering I've caught you out of bed after hours, I would say no."

"I—" Hope stopped short on her retort, hearing footsteps coming their way through her heightened hearing. They had been speaking quite loudly, no wonder someone had heard them.

Not wanting a detention, she pushed Malfoy against the wall and covered his mouth with one of her hands. "Invisique." She muttered as she leaned against him, keeping him still with her strength. 

He was fighting against her grip but went still as he saw Filch emerge from around the corner, Mrs Norris hot on his heels.

Filch's lantern swung in front of him as he walked down the corridor. He stopped next to the pair, not seeing them.

"I know your down here. I could hear you." Filch taunted, his beady eyes searching the corridor.

Hope had her head over her shoulder watching Filch as she felt Draco breathing onto her hand. He had finally stopped resisting her.

Filch's eyes brushed over them as he looked down at Mrs Norris.

"Students out of bed, we'll find them, we always do my sweet." He told his cat and they continued to march down the corridor, going in the complete wrong direction.

As soon as they were out of sight, she let go of Draco and mumbled the counter spell. "Phasmatos Oculacs."

Malfoy looked at her in surprise. "How did you do that? That's not a normal disillusionment spell."

Hope looked at him and said one word. "Magic."

She snorted at his annoyed face. "See you around, Malfoy." She sent him a wink over her shoulder as she followed the direction Filch had gone.

"10 points from Gryffindor." He called out to her back.

She simply wiggled her fingers at him over her shoulder.

Draco Malfoy watched her go, curious about the American. She had performed magic he had never seen or heard of before. And she saved him from being caught from Filch. He most likely would have come up with an excuse to get out of a detention anyway.

Shaking his head, he continued to his destination. The Room of Requirement.

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