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THE WOLF LEAPT AT DRACO MALFOY AS he attempted to duck. He failed and the wolf pushed him onto the ground. As they fell, the wolf clamped onto his robe and pulled it off.

When Malfoy looked up from his face being pushed into the ground, he came face to face with Hope Marshall standing in his Slytherin Robe, covering her naked body. He immediately stood up and stepped back putting some distance between them.

"Are you crazy? I almost killed you!" She shouted, pulling the robe tighter around her body.

"Oh yes! Cause it's completely normal for a wolf to be in the Room of Requirement!" Malfoy exclaimed, sarcasm seeping through.

"I'm not exactly going to go running in the Forbidden Forest where I'm not welcome. I'd rather not be shot by a centaur."

"Better you than me being eaten!"

Hope bit her lip to stop herself from laughing at his terrified face. "I wasn't going to eat you."

"Jumping on me says otherwise!" He shouted, stepping closer towards her.

"I needed your robe." She shrugged.

Malfoy's mouth opened and closed, speechless. But then he put two and two together. "You're a werewolf...but it's not a full moon."

"10 points to Slytherin." Hope smirked. "Let's just say I'm not your typical werewolf. There's two types; the Bitten, which is mostly common in the Wizarding World, and then there's the Cursed. I'm the Cursed kind. I was born a werewolf, but I won't ever turn unless I trigger the curse." She frowned, thinking of the person she had accidentally killed.

"Do you turn on full moons?"

"Normally yes, but my pack is one of a kind, we were gifted the ability to transform whenever we wanted and have complete control of when we do. No more losing control."

Malfoy actually looked intrigued. "And your bite is it..."

"Lethal? No, unless you're a vampire." Hope joked.

He nodded his head, learning something new about Werewolves.

Hope began to walk off, heading the way she came in order to find her clothes and the exit. She paused, turning around to look back at Malfoy. "What are you doing in here, anyway?"

A scowl appeared on his face. "None of your business, Marshall." He brushed past her in annoyance.

She rolled her eyes, amused and coughed to gain his attention.


"You're going the wrong way." Hope innocently pointed to the left. She laughed quietly as he marched ahead of her, mumbling about who even asks for a forest in a school.

When they reached the front of the room, Hope bent down to her pile of clothes. "Malfoy?" She called out his name, stopping him from walking out the door. "Do you want your robe back or shall we just let the rumours start of our love affair?" She teased.

He looked exasperated. Hope Marshall irked him for some reason, and he couldn't pinpoint why.

"Can you like turn around?" She gestured towards her clothes.

"Right. Yes." Malfoy immediately turned his back to Hope almost falling over in the process.

Who knew Draco Malfoy could be a mess around girls? Hope laughed to herself quietly as she pulled off his robe and quickly pulled on her uniform. Once she was done, she tapped Malfoy on the shoulder and passed him his robe.

"Thanks for the loan." With a wink, she walked out of the room leaving Malfoy in her wake. She was just praying that he didn't tell anyone.

Who would believe him, even if he did?


Hope Marshall made it to the Great Hall just as the trio were walking in as well. Hope and Hermione, took one side of the Gryffindor table, whilst the boys took the other so they could all sit opposite each other.

"Feeling better?" Hermione asked.

"Immensely. Expelling your anger really does help." Hope grinned, easily lying. But in all honesty, she did feel better.

"You shouldn't have to. Snape had no right." Harry said.

Hope looked at them all serious. "Does he have a fetish for torturing his students or something?"

They all laughed loudly, and Hope smiled at the joke she made. "You know what I think he does." Ron grinned through his laughter.

Ginny Weasley took the seat next to Harry as she pulled food onto her plate. "Hope, why's Malfoy shooting daggers at the back of your head?"


All their heads shot to look behind Hope at the Slytherin table. Draco had Theo Nott and Blaise Zabini on either side of him. They were trying to talk to him, but he had his eyes dead set on her.

Hope sent him a wink and he looked away, flustered.

"What the hell did you do?" Harry questioned the witch.

"I may have embarrassed him, slightly." She took a bite into her sandwich.


"A girl never reveals all her secrets." Hope slyly grinned. No way was she telling them.

Already one person knew who definitely wasn't meant to. She didn't need anyone else on top of that yet.

"Come on, you've made a fool out of Malfoy, you have to tell us your secret." Ron pressed, eager to find out how.

"Nope." She popped the p. "You'll never find out."

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