Chapter XVIII

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Bored out of her mind during history lesson, (Y/N) stared intensely at the wall, like it was the most interesting thing in the world. She started to fall asleep, when she heard a knock on the door and a violet-haired girl walked in.

"The president wants to see Saotome Mary and Jabami Yumeko." she said to the teacher, who nodded at the girls and continued his babbling.

The two girls looked at each other confused and headed towards the door. (Y/N) didn't think much of it, after all they were both pretty good gamblers. Soon she drifted off to her own world again. 

Two hours later, biology class, a little more interesting but this time the teacher's annoying as fuck. (Y/N) tried her best not to snap and call the old hag out on her annoying squeaky voice. Shut the fuck up already, my ears are gonna explode... fucking hell 20 more minutes of this torture, I wonder what Yumeko and Mary are doing, it's taking them so long she thought playing with her pen, and as on que Sayaka appeared again.

"(L/N) (Y/N) the president wants to see you." not even waiting for the teachers approval, (Y/N) shot up from her seat and speed walked to Sayaka with a big smile on her face, hehe see ya later suckers. As soon as the door closed (Y/N) hung her arm around the other girls neck.

"Thanks for the rescue Saya." she smiled hugging the secretary "Anyways, do you know what's Kirari plotting in her evil mind?"

"I-I do, but I think it's best if she tells you." Sayaka blushed and looked away. (Y/N) eyed her curiously, but decided to shrug it off. The whole way there the taller girl had her arm on Sayakas shoulders. They reached the student council room, when Sayaka opened the door (Y/N) saw four girls standing around the table. As soon as the two walked in every girl shot Sayaka a jealous look.

"Damn we have the whole squad here... what's up?" (Y/N) sat on the table gay style and looked at Kirari.

"You remember the harem thingy?" the president smirked and the taller girl nodded "Well, I decided it would be best that all of us share you."

"Cool," (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders and her gaze fell on a blonde girl "Soooo... why are you here Mary? I thought you didn't want to have anything to do with me."

"I-uh... well if everyone gets to be with you, why shouldn't I?" Mary muttered blushing. (Y/N) smiled brightly making her blush even more.

"So like... all four of you are gonna be my girlfriends now?" they nodded "And is there anyone else?"

"I figured you'd want Yumemi to be a part of this, she obviously agreed." Kirari said taking a piece of paper out of her pocket "We made a schedule for you."

(Y/N) read everything that was written and frowned. It was a list of days of the week, every day assigned to a different girl.

"Haha, yeah that's not gonna work" the tall girl laughed and handed Kirari the paper "Fist of all, what if I want someone to join our little harem, or the opposite, leave?"

"I guess it's all up to you, do you have someone in mind?" Yumeko asked tilting her head.

"I do..." (Y/N) looked at Sayaka, who was standing behind the president.

"Okay then, Sayaka come join us." the secretary made her way to the table, looking at the floor "Anyway, what do you mean it's not gonna work?"

"I mean, a schedule? Really? What if I wanna spend time with someone else than assigned? Would it be fair if I was forcing myself to spend time with someone I don't want to at the moment?"

"That's a valid point, however it could lead to a situation where one, or more of us, would be forgotten and you'd spend time with only a few of us." Kirari barely managed to hide the crack in her voice.

"Wait, if (Y/N) doesn't want to date one of us, then why should she?" (That's Yumeko btw)

"I doubt there'll be a situation like that, Kirari, but I guess I could be favoring some of you... " (Y/N) scratched her chin "What if I'll choose who I want for the day, but I'm obligated to spend time with every one of you at least once a month?"

"Hmmm... maybe once every two weeks?"

"Jeez, okay." (Y/N) rolled her eyes and walked towards the president and whispered into her ear "Don't worry, I'm not gonna forget about you." she gently stroked the older girls cheek, (Y/N) could swear she saw a faint blush on Kirari.

"Great, so see ya'll tomorrow?" (Y/N) waited for everyone to agree "Cool, bye!"

(Y/N) quickly grabbed Marys hand and dragged her out of the room into an empty classroom. Before the blonde could ask what was happening she was pinned to the wall and kissed aggressively. (Y/N) had her right hand positioned on her cheek and left on her waist, a moment she bit and sucked on Marys bottom lip, getting a low moan in return. Finally they separated for air, both of them panting.

"I missed you." (Y/N) buried her head in the crook of the tsunderes neck. Mary smiled, wrapping her hands around the taller girls waist.

"I missed you too."



Mkay so this one is not only a mess but also cringe af, makes me question my intelligence and life choices.

I'm gonna continue this when I get over the fact that I wrote this piece of crap lmao enjoy.

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