(I need story name suggestions please)

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This idea was given to me by TanTwins_2608. This might be a bit different than what you had in mind but I hope you like it! (This is probably going to be a three-shot or so)

I  decided to create a soulmate AU. I have never seen this kind before and I made it myself, but it seems so simple that it probably isn't original anyways. I'll explain in the story.

WARNING: Mentions of death, kind of a make-out session in the beginning but I wouldn't call it smutty. Like it's not that much, but it was hard for me to write because I'm a coward.

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Needless to say, my first make-out session was going pretty well. Nico di Angelo's warm lips smashed against mine, my lips moving in sync with his. His pale fingers ran through my hair as he roughly grabbed at the nape of my neck, pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist, not ever wanting this moment to end. This was definitely the way to spend my free time out of the infirmary.

"Will," Nico mumbled between kisses. I kissed him harder in an attempt to shut him up, wanting more. "Will," he said again, this time louder.

I pulled away for barely a second. "Shh. Don't ruin the moment," I said before melting into another passionate kiss to resume our make-out session. Nico obliged, deepening the kiss and scooted in closer to me so that there was barely an inch of space between us.

I noticed the tiny tattoo on his inner forearm, remembering how he had first gotten it and when I got my identical branding on my right hand. We had earned the tattoos the time we had first touched. 

Unlike many of our friends at the time, Nico nor I had found our soulmates. No tattoos to match someone special. Each tattoo for each pair was different in different places for every couple to remind them of when they had first made physical contact with their soulmate. No two pairs had the same marking. I had seen some of hearts, some of birds and cats, even some of plants. My skin was blank then. That was until Nico and I had first touched. I remembered the burning sensations on our skin on the point of contact and the identical tattoos, unique to us, appeared on our flesh, to stay there forever. My soulmate was Nico di Angelo.

I continued kissing him, lost in thought, when he spoke again. "Will! Will wake up!"

Wake up? I pulled away and stared at him. "Will! Wake the HELL up! We need you!" His his tone was urgent and his voice... his voice didn't even sound like his. It sounded strangely like.... Frank?

The voice began to fade off as if it proceeded down a hallway, but as the voice did, so did my vision. It was as if my surroundings began to fade away, until it was total blackness.

"Will!" Frank's voice called right next to me. The world was shaking back and forth, tossing me around. "GET UP!"

I opened my eyes to see Frank Zhang, shaking me awake, me still lying in bed. I raised my hand over my head to block the harshly bright rays of sunlight (damn you, dad) peeking in through the window and into my eyes. A slight shock came to me when I saw that the tattoo that had previously been there, was gone. It was never there. Of course it had been some stupid dream. I was left kind of disappointed at remembering that hadn't actually found my soulmate yet and that my kisses with Nico weren't real. Dammit, Will. You are truly a hopeless creep. You were dreaming about making out with your crush who hardly knows you exist, I chided myself internally.

 I mumbled and rubbed my eyes, blinded by the morning light. "Frank....what's going on? Did I sleep through breakfa-"

"He's gone! Do you have any idea where he might be? You were with him in the infirmary yesterday, weren't you?" Frank asked urgently in my face.

I opened my eyes, staring at the ceiling, "Whathmmuhm?" I mumbled. "W-who's gone? Frank, what's going o-?"

"NICO!" he shouted. "We can't find him! He's missing!" My eyes widened at his words before I really processed what he was telling me.

"Relax. He's probably just training early. He does that a lot."

"He left his sword, his jacket, his ring, and his shoes in his cabin. He never leaves without that stuff. He isn't in the training area or anywhere on the camp grounds for that matter."

I sat up. What if Frank was right? What if he really was missing? Was he in danger? Dear gods, I hope not. Just then, Hazel, Frank's girlfriend and Nico's sister burst in the door in tears.

"Guys!" she called, holding a piece of paper out for us to see, waving it around a frantically. "Look what I've found! Annabeth was right, he didn't just leave. He's been taken."

I sat bolt upright in my bed and yanked the blankets off of me. "What? How do you know?" I asked, afraid of the answer.

Frank held Hazel's cheek in his large hand, trying to wipe her tears away and calm her down. "Here," she sniffled. "I just found this note on his bed. Read it." Hazel buried her face into Frank's shirt as he wrapped his arms around her. I cleared my throat and read the letter aloud.


If you wish his return

Venture to Central Park

By the time of the Solstice

Before it gets dark

The chosen can save him

On the quest they embark

He shall be set free

When love leaves its mark


They alone can save him

By the given date

For send forth the wrong savior

And they'll meet a tragic fate

Do not dare delay

for his rescue he awaits

Save the son of Hades

Before it is too late


My jaw dropped as I spoke the words written on the page. I couldn't believe what I was reading. Someone had taken Nico and was holding him captive in Central Park of all places. He had to be rescued by the upcoming summer solstice, which meant we had only two days to find and save him. I had so many questions I needed answers to. Who had taken him? Why? What did the riddle mean? Was he hurt? Oh my gods, please don't let him be hurt.

Hazel was sobbing quietly into Frank's shirt as he tried to calm her down. "Hey, sweetheart. It's gonna be okay," Frank said softly, holding her tightly. "At least we know now where he is and more about what's happened. We can save him. Besides, Nico has admirable willpower. He is very a strong guy and I'm sure isn't just going to let his captor stop him."

Hazel sniffled. "Yeah, y-your probably right. He is brave." She smiled sweetly at Frank before returning to a serious expression, remembering that they had a job to do. "Still; I think we should analyze this with the others if we want any chance of finding him."

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Sorry this took so long considering this part is short. I was gonna make this a gigantic one-shot but now I feel like I want to just make it three-ish shorter parts to organize myself a bit better. It also might just be me but I personally prefer several parts to one large one-shot when I read. Thank you all for 2.2k reads. I'll write the next part as soon as I'm able.

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