(I still need story name suggestions) Part 2

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WARNING: Mentions of death

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If you wish his return

Venture to Central Park

By the time of the Solstice

Before it gets dark.

The chosen shall save him

One the quest they embark

He shall be set free

When love leaves its mark


They alone can save him

By the given date

For send forth the wrong savior

And they'll meet a tragic fate.

Do not dare delay

For his rescue he awaits

Save the son of Hades

Before it is too late.



"I'm telling you guys this has got to be some kind of elaborate prank," said Leo Valdez. Here we go again. Leo, Piper, and Jason have been arguing about this for two hours already,and that was just in this meeting. Before that, while we were waiting for everyone to finish their responsibilities and inform Chiron on the situation, they wouldn't stop fighting about this one thing since breakfast. It was finally starting to drive everyone crazy.

"A prank?! No. Explain how this could possibly be a prank!" Piper asked him.

Leo stood up from his war room chair. "I mean doesn't this seem kind of weird to you? Nico is captured and they tell us exactly where he is. Not only that, the location isn't that far from here. I mean think about it: a lot of people do pick on the guy-

"Leo!" Jason shouted.

"Sorry, man," Leo said holding his hands in front of him in fake surrender. "Look, all I'm saying is maybe he isn't in any real danger."

Hazel shot to her feet, pushing her chair behind her with her legs, and pounded her fists on the table. "WHO CARES IF IT'S SOME PRANK! THE POINT OF THIS MEETING TO DISCUSS THE FACT THAT MY BROTHER HAS BEEN TAKEN AND COULD BE IN DANGER! HELL, HE COULD BE DYING OR BEING TORTURED OR SOME HORRIBLE SHIT LIKE THAT AS WE SPEAK FOR ALL WE KNOW! I'D RATHER BE SAFE THAN SORRY, SO LET'S JUST DECIPHER THE GODS DAMN RIDDLE AND THEN MAYBE WE CAN TRY AND FIND NICO AND DESTROY THE BITCH THAT TOOK HIM!" Everyone turned to silence and stared at her. She was seething and huffing after shouting in one breath. Her golden brown eyes were wide with anger and impatience, her sclerae were salmon pink and bloodshot from crying.

"Hazel, darling," Frank said sweetly, raising one of his large baby hands to her face, brushing her cheek lightly with his fingertips, moving a stray strand of cinnamon curls out of her face and behind her ear. "Let's calm down okay." Their matching soulmate tattoos of a small, yet elaborately designed crystallized heart with wings, were clearly visible on the back of Frank's hand, just underneath his thumb and the tip of Hazel's thumb on her opposite hand from when they first held hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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