Truth or Dare

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This all fluff no worry. I wanted to do fluff because for some reason angst is easier to write for me and you don't wanna start out with too much of that because sad things are sad.

"Sad things are sad." -Me

Anyways on with the one-shot.

POV: Nico

* * *

It's not like I wanted to play Truth or Dare.... or interact with people at all. 

My friends forced me to play with them. And when I say "forced", I mean my crush, Will Solace, grabbed my arm, and quite literally dragged me to the field where Percy, Jason, Piper, Rachel, Annabeth, Leo, Hazel, and Frank were waiting to play. 

Of course, I couldn't shadow travel away because we just had to be in the sunshine. (Frick you, Apollo.) But I finally gave in when Leo gave me an offer I just couldn't refuse: he said he would shut up for the rest of the day after the game if I played. 

So I sat down between Percy and Will, aka my previous and current crushes, and also the spot most far away from Leo and his obnoxious personality, and we started to play Truth or Dare. (Or Truth or Rachel Elizabeth Dare as he called it, which made Rachel roll her eyes and fling her blue plastic hairbrush, that she brought for whatever reason, at his head in annoyance.)

"Okay, okay," Percy announced. "This one's for my bro, Jason." Jason looked up at Percy and pushed his glasses up his nose. "Truth or Dare, man."


"How's the brick doing?" He raised his eyebrows. I have never facepalmed so hard, and trust me, I facepalm about every ten minutes with these idiots around. Leo snorted and Will made a face that I read plainly as, "I-have-no-idea-what-the-actual-hell-that-means-but-I-don't-really-have-any-real-desire-to-know." Gods, he was cute. Jason rolled his eyes and played along.

"Well if you must know, Percy," he said confidently. "The brick is fine. They haven't even knocked me out in two whole weeks."

Leo called him out. "Liar! You were knocked out yesterday! I was there!"

"Yeah," Jason agreed cockily. "But not by a brick! I ran into a wall! HA!"

Will chimed in, "And you're....proud of this?"

"Alright, Alright," Leo interrupted and pushed his hands out on either side of him to call for attention. "This one's for Animal-Boy."

"FOR THE LAST TIME, STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Frank said. "Also, dare."

"Turn into a dog and fetch this ball." Leo pulled out a tennis ball from behind him. I wasn't sure why he had one on him but I've learned not to question Leo at this point.

"Ugh, fine." He transformed into a full-grown chocolate lab and Leo threw the ball as far as he could for Frank to retrieve. Frank brought it to Leo in a matter of seconds and turned back into a human.

"WHO'S A GOOD BOY!?" Leo said, his voice an octave higher than normal and scratching Frank's head, even though he was human, messing up Frank's hair. Frank put on a poker face and pretended Leo wasn't treating him like a dog. Then both sat back down.

We continued to go around, playing the game. 

Annabeth dared Piper to kiss everyone playing on the cheek, including me, which was kind of outside my comfort zone. 

Hazel had to tell us about the first time she got in trouble at school for cussing. That's my sister for ya. 

Rachel had to do fifteen cartwheels without stopping. 

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