I'll Take Care Of You

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This is a short chapter. I just wanted to post something. I'm working on a request, though.

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Nico decided that Will Solace was nothing short of a hypocrite. He set higher expectations and limits for himself than others. Will would tell others to get rest and sleep when that was what he needed too, refusing to listen to himself and give in. The son of Hades couldn't understand his boyfriend's stubbornness sometimes. It could be a good thing, such as basically saving Nico's life in the Giant War by refusing to allow him to shadow-travel, but his mind was so set on taking care of others, he forgot he had to take care of himself too.

"Will-" His words were cut off by Will having yet another violent coughing fit.

"I'm..." He coughed bit more into his sleeve. "...not sick."

"Yes you are. Look at you. Your face is pale-"

"So is yours," Will retorted. "All the time."

Nico rolled his eyes. "You are coughing all the time! You can hardly finish a sentence!"

"Yes," He paused and hacked violently into his elbow, proving Nico's statement. "I can," he continued.

Nico sat down on the edge of the bed beside Will and handed him a box of soft tissues, which Will reluctantly took, and immediately used to blow his nose. "Will. You need your rest. How are you going to be able to treat sick campers if you are sick too?" The son of Apollo sniffled as Nico brought his hand behind Will and gently rubbed his back. 

"But what about Austin?" the sick boy asked, his nasally voice making it harder for him to speak. "He's going to be working his ass of today by himself-"

"I'll tell Austin that you can't work in the infirmary today," he interrupted. "I'm sure he will understand given your condition, and I'm sure he doesn't want to get anyone else sick by having you in there. Besides, Gracie and Yan have been learning medical procedures under your guidance, right? Maybe they can assist him."

Will sighed and then sneezed into a tissue, which had been the cutest little high-pitched baby sneeze Nico had ever heard. "Okay," Will relented. "I guess you are right."

"You know I'm right," Nico countered, lightly booping the tip of Will's red nose with his finger, which made Will smile a little. "Now, c'mon." Nico pushed Will's shoulders back to ease him down on the bed, and pulled the blankets over him. His heavy eyelids began to flutter shut.

Nico brushed a few stray gold curls out of Will's face. "I'll take care of you," he whispered. The son of Hades quickly pressed his lips to Will's abnormally warm forehead, before starting walking away to tell Austin about Will calling in ill. 

Just as he was walking out of the cabin, he grabbed the door frame with one hand and turned his head around to see his sick boyfriend, who was fast asleep and snoring lightly. Nico gave a little smile at how adorable Will was while he slept, just before turning around again to proceed out the door.

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I just wanted to post something, so I made this filler chapter during a class where we weren't doing anything. I am working on a request, but I am over complicating the prompt, as one does, and I'm not exactly sure how I want it to work, so that may take some time.

Random QOTD: Do you have a favorite Percabeth moment? I know, I know. "Percabeth?! WE CAME FOR SOLANGELO!" This is just the first question that comes to my brain. Also, Percabeth is great. My favorite moment of theirs is and probably always will be the underwater kiss in tLO.

Have a great day. Thank you all for your support thus far!

Solangelo Oneshots (NicoxWill)Where stories live. Discover now