Spoof 57 (Catmint) (Requested)

176 3 17

Firestar: Welcome back to "Ask or Dare!" We have another dare to do today!

Brambleclaw: It better not be for me!

Firestar: It's not.

Brambleclaw: Ok whew!

Firestar: But first, we have some new cats to introduce! Introducing, Moonfall, Sunfire, Roseblossom, Rosebreeze, Snowcloud, and Honeyspirit!

Everyone: Hello!

Snowcloud: Who's the dare for today?

Firestar: It's for Berrynose!

Berrynose: *Appears*

Brambleclaw: Don't forget, he's still Rainbownose!

Rainbownose: What?! I am?

Moonfall: Yes!

Roseblossom: But not for long!

Rainbownose: What do you mean?

Firestar: Today's dare is from @SeleneDaCat! Your dare is to take some of Jayfeather's catmint, and the moment you do, you will be Berrynose again!

Rosebreeze: This should be fun!

Berrynose: Uh I don't know. Jayfeather's going to know.

Sunfire: well now is your chance because he is not in the medicine den right now.

Berrynose: Well why didn't you say so?! *Rushes to thee medicine den* Catmint, catmint, where's the catmint?

Jayfeather: Berrynose what are you doing in here?

Rainbownose: Found it! *Takes some and rushes off*

Snowcloud: Did you get the catmint? 

Rosebreeze: Are you back to Berrynose?

Berrynose: *Nods*

Roseblossom: Where is it?

Berrynose: *Mouth full* Was I not supposed to eat it?

Firestar: Noooo, you were just supposed to grab it.

Berrynose: *Starts bouncing off the trees and dens at lightning speed*

Jayfeather: Berrynose! Did you take my catmint?!

Brambleclaw: Heh sorry Jayfeather.

Moonfall: It was a dare.

Jayfeather: Well I hope you're happy. Look what you've done.

Berrynose: *Still bouncing off everything* Cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie!

Honeyspirit: Why is he saying cookie?

Jayfeather: Isn't it obvious?

Berrynose: *Flies over Jayfeather's head as Jayfeather ducks in time*

Brambleclaw: He's all hyped up on catmint.

Honeyspirit: Oh gochta.

Sunfire: How long is he going to be like this?

Jayfeather: Probably about another few minutes.

Berrynose: *Still bouncing* Cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie co- *Plops to the ground asleep*

Jayfeather: *Sigh* I'll get him.

Brambleclaw: Welp, that's all for today! Thanks for reading and come back next time for more fun dares with our new cats!

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