Spoof 7 ("Berry" Good Puns *Continued from Egg Puns*)

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(It's night time, and all the warriors of Thunderclan except Berrynose have gathered in the middle of the clearing)

Dovewing: Ok. I'm sure you all know why we are gathered here.

Squirrelflight: To figure out a way to get Berrynose back.

Dovewing: Yes.

Brambleclaw: I have an idea.

Lionblaze: What is it?

Brambleclaw: How about tomorrow, we give Berrynose an extreme pun day. Only this time, all of us will be making puns related to his name. For example: This is a "berry" good idea?

Everyone: *Agrees*

*The next day*

Berrynose: *Walks around the clearing*

Icecloud: Hello Berrynose. It's "berry" nice to see you.

Berrynose: *Sarcastically* Haha very funny. *Walks away and over to a group of cats* Hello. What is everyone talking about over here?

Brambleclaw: It's none of your business. You're being "berry nosey."

Berrynose: Alright. Enough with the puns! *Walks away*

Squirrelflight: Woah Berrynose look! This berry looks like your nose!

Berrynose: AAAAHHH! Stop it!

Dovewing: Berrynose calm down. You are as red as a berry.

Berrynose: AAAAHHH! Is everyone in on the puns?

Lionblaze: Yep! It looks like you are in a "jam" and will be sticking with some "berry" good puns for the rest of the day.


(In Riverclan)

Random kit: Mistystar, did you hear that?

Mistystar: Probably just Berrynose causing some mischief in Thunderclan again. 

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