[french accent] the end

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[french accent] the end

Calum stood in the small Tallahassee airport, his eyes fixated on the glass doors where she would be walking out at any moment. He tightened his grip on the extra cheddar goldfish bag in his hand, he probably looked stupid to the TSA workers watching him, but they were Clémence’s favorite.

She had two bags on her shoulder, they were equally heavy and dragging her down as she plowed through the automatic doors. She was beyond surprised at the the size of this airport, she was used to JFK and LAX, not a one gate kind of airport. 

Cal had a smile growing on his face as she took steps closer, she still hadn’t spotted him yet, but he spot her. It wasn’t hard to find her bright blue head and jet black clothes. 

Her picture of green and blue eyes looked around the fake trees and plush furniture. She took off running as fast as her seventeen year old legs would take her as she found Calum. Her bag were thrown on the ground as she jumped, wrapping her skinny legs around his torso.
Calum dropped the few items for her, catching her and squeezing her small body with all the strength he had. He rested his chin on her shoulder as it hit him, this was really her. This was the girl he’s been in love with for two years. “Hi, babe.”

“Oh my God, I love you,” she said, her heart racing as she kissed his cheekbone, “I can’t believe you’re real.”

Calum smiled, the crinkles by his eyes showing the true fascination he had with the almost eighteen year old. His brown eyes met green as he kissed her. 

He kissed her, and she kissed him. That was just the start of something new. 

Ashton felt the belly of his pregnant wife, “it’s so cute,” he cooed. 

“She won’t stop kicking,” Silver moaned, “I fucking hate you for doing this to me three times.”

Ash laughed, already accustomed to pregnant Silver. “I’m sorry, Ezra wanted a little sister.”

“We gave him one,” she shot back, running a hand through Ashton’s curly hair. He moved over a bit, too afraid he was crushing their third addition. 

“But then he wanted another sister.”

Silver shook her head, “I hate you.”

“You are my everything.”

Rosie leant her head against Steve, looking at their four children running around on Christmas morning. Above the mantel held so many photos, so many memories, so many reasons for her to smile. 

The smallest in the corner was Michael, Clémence, and Luke when they visited Europe last year. There was still a place in her heart for them, even if it wasn’t always visible. 

Luke kissed his husband as they lay in bed, the lavender grid sheets pulled tightly to their bare skin, “do you know how much I love you?” Luke asked, his morning voice ringing through their new, empty house. 

“I think I do,” Michael smiled, placing his hands on on either sides of Luke’s hips. His smooth fingers ran up and down the little dimples right above his bum, “I can’t believe we’re married now.”

“Amazing, right? We get to spend the rest of our lives in snowy New York, maybe get a kid or two,” Luke said, batting his eyelashes.

“We already have two,” Michael said, pointing to the sleeping cats at the end of their bed.

“Those are not kids.”

“Shh!” He sat up to cover the animal’s ears, “don’t listen to mean, old Luke.”

“Fine, no more kids,” Luke agreed, rolling his eyes. He was just agreeing because he wanted his husband back in bed. 

Michael laid down, hugging the younger boy tightly to his chest, “definitely no more kids for us. We have C, too.”

“C is off doing gross things with Cal, I don’t want to think about that.” Luke scrunched up his face.

“Geez, please stop,” Michael moaned, not wanting to imagine his daughter with any guy, especially one almost his age. 

Mike leaned his head back, listening to the quiet breaths they each let out. He remembers Luke with his blonde quiff and white eyes, bending down to feel Clémence’s golden hair. He remembers thinking Luke was just a primadonna for wearing sunglasses inside. He remembers falling in love with Luke once, then once again. 

Every day now, he falls in love with Luke more, and more, and more. Even if Luke isn’t his boy with the white eyes, even if Luke isn’t just his friend, Luke is Michael’s, and Michael is Luke’s. 

Love is something different, it’s the little things like offering the last fry, and making sure they got home safe. Love is rolling over in the morning and tracing shapes on their skin. It’s the way you look at them and know you’re the luckiest person in the entire world. It’s the way you share every moment with pure happiness radiating off of you. 

It’s knowing the names of the songs that made you cry, it’s screaming and fighting, but in the end you’d laugh, kiss, and make up.

Relationships develop and relationships crash. We make a few mistakes along the way, and sometimes it terminates that chances of what could have been, and that is okay. You will be okay. He will be okay. She will be okay. They will be okay. 

Love it meeting in the airport after six weeks away, jumping into their arms, and the old lady next to you asking if it’s been six months, because she, too, felt the radiation off of you. 

Even though the many bumps in the roads, you still end up with your hands held tight. It’s knowing that in the end, it will be okay. It will be okay.
Sometimes you fall in love with the neighbor across the hallway, sometimes you fall in love with your best friend. Sometimes you fall in love with the person in the magazine, sometimes you fall in love with the person in the coffee shop reading about you. Sometimes you fall in love with your babysitter, sometimes they fall in love with the kid they babysat. Sometimes, you fall in love. 


(a/n) i have not accepted this is the last chapter of the series. nope nope nope nOPE. 

i'm gonna be posting some deleted scenes v soon (including smut + wedding scenes) so don't delete me yet. 

i probably won't mark this as completed until i've accepted it's over, and who the hell knows when that'll be.

i'm crying

x, soph

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