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baise +

Michael’s phone went off a quarter until nine, signaling it was time to get up. He continued to roll in bed, covering the blankets over his head. One pale finger slid the screen, causing the room to fill with silence once more. 

He let out a deep sigh as the white blankets fell off of his body, the cold air rushing to fill the space. It was their last day in New York, and one thing he would not miss was the one degree mornings. 

Mike looked at his daughter, still sleeping peacefully in her bed. She had a towel over her pillow since her hair was still dripping wet—even ten hours after her shower. Clémence has had far too many incidents with the dye from her hair dripping on pure white sheets. He was proud she learned her lesson. 

He stretched out his back, cracking his neck from side to side. His bare feet padded across the floor, maybe he wouldn’t be so cold if he wore proper clothes to bed. 

“Where are you going?” Clémence whined from her bed, her morning voice making Michael laughed. 

“I need to talk to Luke,” he answered, grabbing the pair of dark denim that laid on the top of his bag. He smelled it first, making sure it wasn’t too gross. 

“Ooo,” she responded, wiggling her eyebrows. 

Michael rolled his eyes, throwing a rolled up sock at her head. She moaned before rolling over and closing her eyes once more. 

Luke was sound asleep, saliva rolling down his mouth as he laid bundled up in his bed, the grey sheets covering him like a large, warm hug. He could faintly hear a knocking on his door, but he figured it was the neighbors wanting to bother him on his one day off. 

Mike gave up knocking, taking his phone out of his back pocket, and dialed Luke’s number, pressing it to his ear. It was so weird calling people, who even calls people these days?

“Mmph,” Luke said once the device was dropped on his head. 

“Open your f.ucking door, asshole.” 

Luke rolled onto his back, taking a deep breath from his nose and letting it turn into a yawn, “tired.”


“Okay.” Luke pressed the end button, closing his eyes once more with his hand hanging off the edge of the bed. He was slowly falling back into a sleep, his breath slowing down, when he realized that Michael Clifford was at his door.

He jumped out of bed, raising the sweatpants higher up his hips since they have fallen in his sleep. He pulled the sleeves of his sweater around his thumb as he quickly took two steps at a time, jumping down the stairs and landing at the door. 

Luke was out of shape and out of breath, “hey.” He smiled at Michael, hoping the older boy wouldn’t mention their previous night. 

Michael grabbed Luke by the shoulder, bringing him closer until their lips met like fireworks. Luke froze up, every muscle in his body clenching as he felt the feeling he craved for ten years

Michael’s neck was soft and good-smelling, the scent of his cologne was fresh and Luke liked it. He noted that the younger blonde wasn’t reacting and he pulled away, looking at his feet and scratching the back of his neck. 

The 6’4”, lanky thirty year old pulled Michael’s collar, almost tripping him in the process. He dragged his ex into his apartment, closing and locking the door. 

Before Michael could get out another word, we was pushed against the door, the wind being pushed out of his lungs as Luke’s lips were on his, forcefully colliding with him. As if on instinct, their lips molded together just right. 

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