the boy with the white eyes deleted scene number three - fUCK

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the boy with the white eyes deleted scene number three - fUCK

His cold hands undid Luke’s belt, throwing it by the front door. Michael’s cheeks were a bright red from the winter coldness of this Friday night. The blonde continued to step backwards, hoping he wouldn’t embarrass himself and trip mid-make out. His frozen fingers toyed with Mike’s jacket, wanting it off. 

Michael continue to leave slobbering kisses and hickies on Luke’s neck, guiding him towards the bedroom. He could hear the twenty-one year old panting already, trying to hold in a moan as Michael’s fingers slid under Luke’s sweater.

Luke’s back hit the wall, right next to the doorway of Michael’s bedroom. Mike pulled the vermillion sweater over Luke’s body, dropping it to the floor with his denim jacket. He unbuckled his belt and jeans, sliding the fabric down his legs.
A cold breeze hit the two as they shivered, letting out a small chuckle before connecting their lips harshly once more. Luke thrusted his hips against Michael’s, letting out a moan as his back arched against the wall.

“Such a sensitive boy,” Michael laughed, taking him off the wall and pushing him onto his bed. 

Luke laid back on the pillow, his legs wide as Michael fit his body perfectly on top. The blonde let out yet another chuckle as he kissed Mike’s nose. Their relationship was perfect, they laughed at dinner, they laughed at stupid jokes, they laughed during sex. There was exactly what the two boys loved and needed.

Michael put his still-freezing-cold fingers under the waist band of Luke’s jeans, pulling the fabric (along with boxers) down his long legs. Luke cringed at the coldness, his muscles flexing at the sudden feeling. 

Their lips were locked messily again, Luke’s fingers trailing long, red marks down his boyfriend’s back. Michael let out a throaty moan as he let go of Luke, trailing the finally warm lips down Luke’s chest and torso. 

Luke’s tiny moans echoed as Mike continued to suck at the skin. His groans and sighs got louder and louder until Michael let his lips linger on the tip of Luke’s member. He was out of breath, his back arched away from the mattress once again. 

Michael placed his hands on the blonde’s hipbones, trying to hold him down once more. Mike tried to hold back a chuckle, but looking at the pure innocent boy trying to control his breaths was such a sight to Michael. 

Mike took as much as he could of Luke into his warm mouth, his clammy hands running up and down the vein on his underside. Michael let his tongue run circles over the skin. Luke whimpered and threw his head back onto the pillows, the feeling of the older boy wrapped around him could send him straight to the pits of hell. 

Michael moved off of him with a kiss to the flaming head, they were both painfully hard by now. “Get on fours, baby boy,” Mike whispered, helping him move without over-helping. Luke would often get mad at his boyfriend for treating him like a blind ninety year old. He was able to roll over by himself, God damn. 

Michael snapped a line of saliva from his mouth as Luke positioned himself. He left a soft slap on Luke’s bum as he leaned over to grab their lube. 

Luke stretched out his back, trying to control his breath before Michael started up again. He leant on his elbows, his bum high in the air. 

The twenty-seven year old lined his fingers with the cold substance, of course it’s cold, Michael thought to himself. He was worried the blonde would suffer fucking hyperthermia after all of this.

Michael sat up on his knees behind Luke, rubbing the side of Luke’s body with one hand as he started to stretch out Luke with his other. He moved slowly and carefully, trying to get the right reaction from his partner.
He slipped a second finger in, going knuckle deep on the first pump. Luke moaned out again, his back dropping from not being able to hold himself up. Michael scissored his fingers, trying to get Luke back to the panting, moaning, and groaning mess he was only minutes ago.

Luke thrusted his hips backwards, letting out a grunt and quick fuck

Michael pulled his fingers out, shifting slightly to line himself up. He wrapped his hand around his member, pumping himself a few times. 

He started to put his tip in as Luke groaned the loudest he ever has, the sound echoing the small room. He moved in slowly, his biggest fear was hurting Luke. He carefully went back an inch then forward two. 

Luke was already feeling bliss over anything else. He whimpered as Michael started to thrust at a constant pace, starting to speed up as Luke’s moans got even louder. Michael was always surprised at the decibels the one hundred and thirty pound boy could reach. 

Michael cooed him to keep going, whispering sweet nothings in his ear for the next hours.   

(a/n) double update

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