bébé +

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bébé +

Michael opened the hotel door, sighing quietly. It was close to ten at night, and he just wanted to sleep. He remembers when he felt lucky to be in bed before midnight, now he just feels tired. 

Clémence sat up in bed, looking to see her father walking in with his coat in hand, “where’s Luke?”

Michael tilted his head, “um, at his apartment, probably.”

“Why didn’t you bring him back?” She asked, sitting up more in her bed.

Mike took off his shirt, digging through his luggage for a more comfy tee shirt, “because this is our hotel, I’m not gonna bring him back every night.”

“But why? You looked so happy when he slept over!”

He sighed, taking off his skinny jeans and walking to the bathroom, “it’s not your business what I do and don’t do with Luke.”
“Yes, it is!” She unplugged her phone from the nightstand, overlooking a few messages. 

He walked out of the bathroom, a toothbrush hanging from his mouth, “I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but it needs to stop.” His voice was muffled as he tried not to spill the toothpaste in his mouth. 

“I’m not trying to do anything,” she lied, “you’re just so fucking oblivious to everything Luke is trying to do.”

“I’m not oblivious,” Michael yelled back once he was in the bathroom. He spit out the minty flavor and ran a hand through his hair.

He looked at himself in the mirror, wrinkles starting to appear around his eyes. He knew exactly what Luke was doing after their conversation half an hour ago, Michael just didn’t want to act upon it. 

Clémence rolled her eyes, opening the blue Twitter app and clicking her DMs.

DM to @CalumHood

are you awake, i need to rant

Michael made his way over to his bed, plugging in his phone and sliding into bed. He let out another deep sigh as his back hit the mattress. 

From/ @CalumHood

Duh!! Sleep is for the weak

Clémence rolled over in bed so her back was now facing her father. 

From/ @CClifford

dad is being such an asshole right now

like he won’t get back together with luke it’s fucking stupid

From/ @CalumHood

Babe, chill. First of all, it’s only been like a week. Second, if they don't want to get back together, then they don’t. You can’t control their actions. 

Clémence rolled her eyes at the message, rereading it a few times before responding.

From/ @CClifford

wtf when did u become an eighty year old man

i //know// they want to get back together, it’s obvious, they’re just oblivious 

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