the boy with the white eyes deleted scene number five - late

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the boy with the white eyes deleted scene number five — late

Michael pulled a hand through his hair, stepping out of his parent’s car and onto the hot ground. The sun was beating down even though it was November. He loved California, he really, really loved California. 

He headed towards the open school, looking for his little Clémence in her Hello Kitty backpack and braided hair. Ms. Clifford was very good at braiding, never made them lop sided or missed a piece of her newly-dyed-ends of her blonde pink hair.
She wanted to be like Michael, so when he was in the bathroom making a mess of the dye, she decided that Mom isn’t here and can’t tell her what to do. (Michael was the one who got in trouble with Rosie). 

He looked at the watch laced on his wrist and realize once again that he was indeed forty four minutes late for his only child. “Fuck,” he swore to himself, picking up the pace and finding the main office of the hippy charter school.

The entire building was confusing, with one million different buildings for different schools. C was only in first grade, how did she not get lost constantly?

Michael found the building labeled “Office,” and he stepped in. The cold feeling of air conditioning hit him full blast, wiping his fringe out of his face.

Clémence was sitting on a chair across from the secretary, “You’re late.”

“I know, baby, I’m sorry,” he apologized, leaving a kiss on her forehead. Everyone in the building was so used to Michael being anywhere between ten to sixty minutes late, they didn’t blink an eye anymore. 

He turned around, giving a nod to the secretary who returned with a smile. “Good to see you again, Michael,” she said, still coloring something in her drawing pad. 

“You too,” he responded, holding out his hand to Clémence. 

She shook her head, jumping down from the chair and letting herself out of the building.

“So sassy,” Michael sighed, following her out. 

(a/n) tell me if you guys are getting bored of these deleted scenes. i love writing them and i want you guys to as well.

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