Chapter 14

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Skylor's POV

Kai'd dropped me off at my dorm, with not much chatter. I said that I didn't want to make out, not tonight. But he did win the bet so I owed him something, right?
So...just as he was about to leave, I pressed a kiss.
It was a complete accident! I was aiming for his cheek but the bastard just had to turn his whole face around. I slammed the door in his face and ignored his texts. But I couldn't hold off forever. I had to face him soon.
And by soon, I mean in a few hours when we have a lecture together, bright and early at nine AM.
Oh god. What if he took the kiss as something else...and thinks we're a thing! Not that I wouldn't mind dating him...

Our fancy clothes had been ditched at the bar and I couldn't care less. My mind was still so panicked about everything that had happened in the last four minutes.

I reach for my laptop and pull up Instagram. Kai was one of those people who would tag his S/O in his bio, and the date they'd gotten together, even though they'd be taken down a few days later.
To my relief, he hadn't made any changes, which is a good thing. What would people say?

3rd Person POV

Flopping down onto his bed, it's safe to say that Kai Smith was lovestruck. Over a girl he never thought would get intertwined with his life.
But he wasn't stupid. He knew that this was meant to be for a bet and that there should be no strings attached. This was going to be impossible, given the new arising...feelings Kai had towards Skylor.

Rolling over, he sighed, contentedly-
"How was your date, big brother?"
AAH- Nya?!"
The girl in question smirked as she jumped off Zane's bed, jumping up and down excitedly, "Details, now!"
"It was perfect. So...perfect." He didn't bring up the kiss yet, he wasn't sure how she'd react to that, but Nya seemed to know all.
"She kiss you?"
The cactus blinked, "Excuse me?"
"Idiot. I can see it on your face! YOU'RE FLUSHING! was it?"

Kai swatted her arm away, "I...she seemed embarrassed. I messaged her about it, and she's seen the texts but she's not responding."
A smile lifted on the ravenette's lips, "Maybe she's recapping the memory in her head over and over again." 

The cactus sat up, "I thought that you of all people would be pissed with the whole kiss." Nya shook her head, "Nah. I would be took her on a date first before jumping straight to smooching. And plus, you clearly enjoyed your night out."

"You should meet her. I think you'd like her." Nya's face fell, as she quickly shook her head.
"I think it's a bit too early, I both don't even know where you stand in this relationship; why bring me into this?"

He nodded understandingly, "I guess. Do you think we'll last if we ever date?" Nya opened her mouth to talk, quickly closing it as she slid off the bed, "Dunno. I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow."
"What? Nya! Sis, don't leave me hanging-"
"Adios, thot!" The door closed, and Kai huffed, falling back on the bed. So much for relationship advice.

He reached for his phone and slid into her DMs.

Kai: Skye...what are we?
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