Chapter 24

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Skylor's POV

I was sitting in the café, wielding a cup of coffee. Yesterday's events kept running through my mind and I blinked away the tears.

"Hey." I look up to see Nya hovering by the chair opposite me. I force a smile.


"Uh...mind if I sit?"

"No, not at all."

She sits opposite me, and we sit in silence for several minutes until she speaks up, "I heard about what happened."


"I'm really sorry, Skye."

"It's not your fault," I murmur, "Kai's just a jerk."

Nya took her glasses off, using her sleeve to clear the lenses before shoving them away into her pocket, "Uh...I knew."


"About the bet. I knew. I wasn't meant to find out but..." I look up at her, and she looks regretful, staring down at her hands.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I spoke to Kai about it, and I'd hoped he would've come to his senses and did what he had to do but...I guess not. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but-"

"-it wasn't your place to do so. I get it."

"I love my brother- and believe me when I say this -I'm not happy with his...playboy status either. We all have different ways of coping with sadness and anger...Kai's coping method just happens to be juggling girls like crazy."

She glanced outside the window at the busy streets, "I hated every single one of those girls he brought home. You, however, were a different case. You weren't fake and rude like those basic bitches with their bleached blonde highlights and orange skin. I liked you. I still do, and I genuinely thought you and my brother would be an awesome couple."

"Guess fate decided we weren't meant to be," I sigh, swirling the liquid around in the mug. Nya looks at me sadly, "I'm sorry, it ended like this, Sky."

I stifled a smile, "We were only dating for a few days."

"Three weeks and 4 days." A blush crept across her cheeks, "Normally Kai's flings last from three days to a week. So when you guys didn't break up, it gave me hope."

"Jay was right though," I state, sipping my coffee, "Kai was hiding something."


"He had sex with Seliel whilst we were still dating." Nya was open-mouthed and shocked at the new info.

"That little-" The door opens and in comes Lloyd, hands in his pockets as he glances around until his eyes catch mine. I find myself glaring at him while he comes over.

He barely acknowledges me, shaking Nya's shoulder, "We have to go. Now."

"Can it wait?" Nya snapped, harshly pushing Lloyd away. He stumbled backwards before regaining his balance, "Kai's gone nuts. Please, you have to help me. He'll listen to you."

She stares between me and Lloyd, until I nod, making the decision for her. "It's okay. We'll catch up later."

She calls back to me as she leaves, "I am so sorry!" 

"It's alright!"

"It's alright!"

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