Chapter 6

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Skylor's POV

Well...that was humiliating, to say the least, and as I did with the elevator incident, I plan to push this memory far back into my brain too. I had just finished up a test on Economics and Business, and I was feeling pretty good about it.

After class, the same girls from yesterday trot up to me, all fake grins and giggles, "We happen to have heard what occurred last night. You and Kai Smith? You don't mean much to him, sweetheart. It may be big for you, but this is classic for him."

I frown, "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, no need to play dumb, honey! We know you had sex with Kai last night."

I sputter out a protest, "That's not what happened!"

"Then why did he have your bra?"

"I- It's a long story-"

"Then give us the short one!"

I massage my forehead, "I don't know how to shorten it!" How do you shorten up a story about a guy who finds your bra, has an entire conversation with you about bras, before accusing you of staring at his ass, and walking out with your bra, leading for you to burst out in anger and getting in trouble with a teacher?

The girl in the middle, who I'm assuming is the leader of their cult, smiles, " had sex. No need to be shy about it, not everyone gets an early start in the game. Well...except us, of course. But it's nice to see you catch up!" She links arms with the other two girls and they sashay out, "See you around, Sierra!"

"That's not my name!"

After the room empties out, Kai approaches me and I groan, "What do you want, Kai?"

"To apologise. I meant what I said last night, Skylor. I'm sorry-"

I cut him off, "You know, maybe we should keep our distance. Let me be clear on this: I don't like you. And because of you, everyone thinks I hooked up with you last night."

"I did shout out in the middle of the corridor for me to give you your bra back-" he immediately shuts up after I cast him a cold glare.

"Do you know how bad society's gender stereotype has gotten?" I ask, "Whilst you get praised for 'bedding the girl,' I will get shunned, and called a slut for 'having sex with you.' And need I remind you-"

"It wasn't real, it was taken out of context, I know."

He looks like he was about to say something, "What were you gonna say?"


"You had this-this look, like you wanted to say something. What was it?"

He looks to the ground, "I just...if you took your bra out of the dryer in the first place, none of this would have happened."

Is he serious right now? Is he seriously blaming me? 

"Maybe if you'd stopped playing around and gave me the stupid bra, we could have avoided this entirely."

"You are just as much to blame as am I."

"I didn't know someone would book the washing machine and dryer that late at night! I don't even know why I'm trying to reason with you here."

"Reason? I'm not the one overreacting!" He realises what he'd said, "No, no, I didn't mean it like that-"

"But you said it anyway?" I'm done with this idiot. Throwing my bag over my shoulder I gesture towards him "This...all this negativity and drama is what I was trying to avoid. I'm out." I head for the door.


"Don't follow me."

This chapter was a little short, but no need to worry, another update should be coming out after this. If not, then most probably tomorrow.

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