Chapter 7

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This is from the short story compilation, but I tweaked it and added some bits to it and continued on after :) This chronologically happens before chapter six. Next chapter will be back on track. Enjoy!

Nya's POV

"...what? Oh, don't look at me like that, Seliel! He finishes the bet, and the money's his! It's like taking candy from a baby."

"Fine...but if this backfires, I will not take responsibility."

"And I don't expect you to either. Trust me, he'll fulfil it. Plus, you were also egging him on, weren't you?"

"Yeah! That was before I learnt about the consequences, or..." she quietens down, "...or the fact that someone could be listening in."

Lloyd tenses up, "Get to class, I'll deal with it."

I quickly duck behind the bend in the wall, but unfortunately, I was too slow. Lloyd spots me, and the next thing I know I'm sprinting down the corridor, him hot on my heels. I was approaching a bend soon, and I curved into a sharp turn.

Time for the next obstacle: an automatically locking door. Skidding to a halt, I pant heavily as I fumble through the code, hands shaking. I may have dated Lloyd in the past, but I'm terrified when he's in rage-mode.

A strong hand grips my arm and I'm hauled into the deserted student lounge. The door shuts and locks behind me, and I turn to see Lloyd, steam practically blowing out of his ears, "How much did you hear?"

"Enough for me to piece everything together."

He approaches me, "I swear on my grandfather, if you open your mouth and tell anyone-"

I scoff, "You'll do what? Ask dear old dad to suspend me? Need I remind you where my mother works? Not the college, but the student education government." I have no clue what I'm doing; I just hope I get out of here alive. Normally my brother does all the threatening for me, but I made it clear that I could defend myself, and he's not around now so it's just me.

He takes in a sharp breath, "If you tell anyone, I will do something I will probably regret, mark my words."

"Your guilt and regrets aren't a big priority of mine."

"Is that so?" His voice is laced with fury, and poison, yet sounded so gentle. He leans forward, and crouches to my height, his breath warm on my nose, "I can read you like a book. I know what scares you. And sweetheart, if you think for a second that I won't use that to my advantage, think again."

He shoves past me, slamming the door after him, and I'm left alone. I had to tell Skylor, but Lloyd's threat has me thinking: what will he use against me? I could think of many things, but only one stuck: the cabin incident.

We'd gone on a double date, me, Lloyd, Cole and Seliel. Lloyd tended to speed when he drove, which scares me, considering my mom fell and woke from a coma years ago due to a car crash. But that wasn't the worst part. Late at night, those idiots thought it would be fun to lock me in a closet and leave to go who knows where. I had to kick my way out, and run out into the rain to get a signal to call Kai.

The next day I dumped Lloyd. He didn't seem the slightest bit remorseful, and laughed it off. I'd gladly moved on, lucky for me. The first few weeks after the breakup seemed...rough for Lloyd. I'd caught him in the corridors a countless amount of times, making out with different girls, skipping class, just throwing his life away. He seems to have settled, but I can't help but think otherwise.

I head to class, and I could feel a pair of eyes burning into the back of my neck as I found a seat. I could see Skylor across the room, hurriedly scribbling stuff down into her notebook. My brother was sitting at the back of the room, staring wistfully towards her, and I sigh, picking a seat in the middle of the rows, setting down my belongings.

"Alright, I hope you've revised, as today is your semester assessment on Economics and Business. You will be tested on everything you've learnt last semester, and last year too. As usual, there will be no talking during this hour period. You may begin once the paper has been handed to you."

As the professor droned on about the rules, I took out a pen, before leaning back in my seat. A stapled pile of papers was plopped in front of me, and I took one, passing it down the aisle. Scribbling on my name, I flip through to the front page.

Time flew by quickly and the next thing I knew, the professor was collecting in our papers. Handing mine down, I pick my bag up and head out the doors, purposefully elbowing past Lloyd.

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