Chapter 1

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Skylor's POV

I pay the Uber driver with the money Dad gave me, before taking my suitcases out of the trunk, wheeling them inside. I hadn't moved any of my furniture. I just packed two suitcases and took those instead.

The university had undergone some repainting during the break, and the grass was freshly cut. Despite being middish-January, the sun was shining, but it was so cold.

There was a growing queue of students waiting to sign in, all wielding suitcases and bags and whatnot. The first three days were used to just settle in, and then classes would officially begin. The line was moving so slowly, and I had pins and needles in my feet.

Finally, it was my turn to check in! Taking the pen, I scan through the list until I find my name in neat print.

Skylor Chen

Letting go of the suitcase handle, I scribble on my signature, which tends to change constantly because I'm always so curious about how different styles would look. Setting the pen down, I take the handle and head to the elevator.

Out Of Maintenance

Just my luck. Stairs it is! Groaning, I lug my cases up the flights of stairs. My dorm was on the fourth floor, so I had a long way to go till then.

At long last, I reach the fourth floor. Digging through my pockets, I locate my keycard, and slide it through. The light turns green, and I push the handle down, shoving my suitcases through. The door slams shut and locks after me, and I casually stroll down the corridor. I could hear the excited squeals of students reuniting after a long break, as if they hadn't called or texted at all.

I finally reach my dorm and I push open the door using the card, before fumbling for the light switch. During the first semester, I had a roommate, who eventually moved halfway through the first semester to Ouroborus, since she'd gotten accepted into the Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts, which meant I now have my own room and I have my own bathroom too!

Dumping the cases on the second bed, I flop onto my own one, before rolling over and sagging onto the carpeted floor. I had to unpack but I was so tired. I stand up and dust myself off and head over to the other bed, when I heard shouting right outside my dorm.

I open the door and stick my head out, "Everything okay?"

Whoa. Is it just me, or did some of the guys just get hotter? There were two guys, arms crossed, glaring at each other. One had shaggy blonde hair and piercing green eyes, and the second guy had brown hair, gelled and spiked to perfection, and warm brown eyes. I recognised them both as Lloyd Garmadon and Kai Smith. Both were muscular, but my attention was mainly on the brunette, who shrugged, "Yep, we're fine."

"Absolutely nothing to worry about." Lloyd muttered, not lifting his gaze either.

"Well, could you take your fight elsewhere? I have work to do."

Lloyd suddenly peered at me, and his eyes gleamed, as if he had an idea, "Don't worry, Kai. You'll get it back. Tonight."

I roll my eyes, and shut the door, leaving them to their dispute. Opening up my suitcases, I unpack everything, storing them in their correct area. Shirts and dresses in the wardrobe, bottoms all go in the dresser, along with undergarments, and shoes just go on the shoe rack. I plug my laptop and phone into the sockets, and open up Spotify, scrolling through my playlist until I find a song: Starboy. What can I say, it's addicting.

Opening up the college's website, I get to work with some homework. It wasn't too much; just a few bits and bobs I didn't do during the break.

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