Chapter 10

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Skylor's POV

I get a notification from my Instagram DMs. It's Kai, telling me to wait out by the car park. I take one last glance at my reflection in the mirror, before shoving my phone deep into my purse and grabbing my keys, leaving my room and heading on downstairs.

After so much consideration, I opted for the dreaded heels, and I was beginning to regret my choices as they make a loud click-clack noise as I walk upon the tile floors in the foyer. I see a red Range Rover parked right outside the building, and Kai waiting patiently in the driver's seat, glancing out the window every now and then. He spots me, and a soft smile stretches on his face, like he's happy to see me.

I find myself smiling too, as he unlocks the door from the inside, and I slide into the passenger's seat.

"You look...nice." He searches for a word, before settling on 'nice.' I smile in response, "You clean up well too, Kai."

He chuckles, driving towards the exit, "I'll take that as a compliment." He was dressed in a simple suit, and a deep red tie, his hair gelled up into those signature spikes, and I was so tempted to reach up and mess them all up. The heating was turned on, to my delight, as it was freezing in the foyer.

"Nice ride." I compliment. It was getting very awkward, and small talk was my last resort. Hopefully we'll find some common ground. Kai pats the steering wheel, "Thanks. It's not actually mine, I share it with my sister..."

Finally, something to talk about! " is your sister?"

"Nya's...she's cool. She seems happy that I'm actually going on a date. Normally, it would just go straight to making out, know."

"I've always wanted a sibling," I admit, "I'm an only child." Kai grins, "You can have mine. When she's not being a straight A nerd, she's like my Mom, but younger. She's very..." He searches for the word, but finds no luck. I tilt my head, "Patronising?"

"Yeah, that. I'm supposed to be looking after her, but it's the other way around."

We approach a roundabout, and he heads off on the second exit, leading to the outskirts of Terra Technica. I'd never left the city before, except for university-approved trips, and vacation, when I get to go home back to Ninjago City.

Kai must have noticed my discomfort because he laughs, "Relax. I'm not gonna drive off into the woods and murder you. Just dinner." He looks like he wants to say something else, but keeps quiet.

"What if I tried to murder you?" I challenge, playing along. He grins, "I'd like to see you try to explain that to my parents."

Now it's my turn to grin, "What makes you think you'll be there to witness?"

"I...I could come back as a ghost! I've seen movies!"

"What are you, supernatural?"

"I'm many things," he states smoothly, and I raise an eyebrow. He too cringes and askes, "Was that too cringey?"

"I'd be lying if I said no," I admit, finally settling in, "Anyways, what's this restaurant like? And how many girls have you taken there before?"

"Okay, first off, my flings don't start at a restaurant."

"So this is a fling then?"

"What? No! It's...the beginning to a possible friendship. Secondly, this place is very...boujee. Like...Manhattan Fancy. I'll admit, I wasn't expecting you to wear a dress."

I groan, "Don't remind me. This thing is going to be the death of me, and it's the most boujee-est thing I brought to campus."

"Ain't your father Master Chen, as in Master Chen delicious noodles?"

"That is correct."

He shifted gears and I awkwardly wriggled around in my seat, "His company's pretty successful. I half expected you to have your wardrobe filled with branded items."

"Meh. I just don't really know what I would do with it on campus. Remember last semester?" I remind him. A girl named Chamille had brought with her a Louis Vuitton handbag and wouldn't stop showing it off until one day it had been stolen, which indefinitely put me off bringing branded items onto campus.

Kai smoothly parks the car in an empty slot, and switches the engine off. I reach for the handle, only to feel a light slap on the back of my hand, "Ow!" I yelp, "What was that for?"

"Nope. This is a date," he reminds me, "which means-" he pauses to get out of the car, and I tug off the seatbelt just as the passenger door opens, revealing Kai, "-we treat it like a date. Shall we, M'lady?"

"You are so cheesy!"

He laughs as he loops his arm through mine, "One of my finer qualities." We entered the restaurant, and as Kai had implied, this place was boujee. Fancy hairdos, and extravagant outfits were common in here, and so were suits, polished shoes and slicked hair.

A waiter rushes up to us and greets us in a heavy French accent, "Bonjour, jeunes amants. How can I help you on this fine night?"

Kai smiles at him hopefully, "Table for two?"

OKAY, that's all for now. I definitely lost inspiration for this a multiple amount of times, and next chapter is gonna be difficult because it's based on their date, and I suck at writing about those XD.

Updates will be slowed because of school, I've already mentioned this in my bio, but I'm just repeating it again. I'm also tempted to change the titles of my books so they format in the same...aesthetic.

E.G.: Starboy - Ninjago into just 'starboy' in all lower cases. We'll see but for now, bai!

P.S.: I also announced this a few days ago, but I've made an Instagram editing account, if you could shoot a follow that would be awesome, I do follow back! It's called alireigoldfish


ali x

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