Chapter 26

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Nya's POV

I slipped in and out of consciousness, and all I could feel was the speeding of a car as I lay across the backseats, a voice calling at me to stay awake, a hand constantly shaking my arm as my head lolled around, before drifting back off into sleep.

I come to again, but this time I'm in a brightly lit room, covered in a thick checkered blanket.

"The fuck am I doing here..." I mutter tiredly as I slowly sit up, attracting the attention of someone else in the room. 

"Hey, you're awake!" My eyes narrow as I see Lloyd sitting far from me on a spinny chair. What happened prior to my blackout replays in my mind as I clear my throat,

"And in your bed."

"'s not what you think, I swear-"

"Relax, would you? I don't have amnesia." I snap, as Lloyd hands me a glass of water which I decline.

"Listen, while I have you here, I just wanted to apologise-"

A scoff escapes my lips, "Apologise? You? What's next, is Kai gonna take up ballet classes and declare his love for mohawks?"

"-I deserved that. I just- I feel bad for what happened-"

"That's a load of bullshit." Lloyd stops and stares at me, "You never feel bad, Lloyd. As long as there's something in it for you, you don't care if anyone else gets hurt on the way."

"That's not true!"

I start pulling the duvet off of me, locating my shoes by the door, "Yes it is. Your intentions this evening were to just get answers out of me by scaring the complete shit out of me."

"Seriously? After I took you in from the rain so you wouldn't get hypothermia-"

I hold my hand out in defense, ready to open the door, "And I thank you for your hospitality, I really do. But had I not run away, you and I both know we wouldn't be in this position."

He doesn't reply, as I push past him to leave the room.

"Wait!" I turn around and he's still by the door, but this time, he looks lost, crushed. He had that look in his eyes when we ended our relationship back then. Like he'd lost everything and had been kicked to the curb.

"You have every right to be mad at me." He swallows, "And I know that I fucked things up between your brother and Skylor-"

"Partially." I cut in, "It was just Kai's arrogance mainly-"

"I wanna fix things." 

I blink in surprise, "What?"

"Between Kai and Skylor. I wanna fix things."

"Lloyd..." His eyes have a pleading look in them, "We can't do much anymore. The most you can do is apologise to Skylor. This is for them to fix. Not us."

I go to leave but turn back one last time, "Just...why didn't you just leave me in the rain? Why didn't you just drop me off at the campus infirmary? Why did you take me in?"

He scratched the back of his neck, "Seeing you lying there all didn't matter whose side I was on. In the moment, all that mattered was getting you to safety. We are far from forgiveness, but can this be a start?"

I look at him long and hard, before giving a meek nod, "It's a start."

And with that, I set off.

Skylor's POV

It's almost evening, and still no word from Nya. Was I too quick to break up with Kai? He clearly seems to not be taking the breakup too well.

A knock on the door leaves me anxious. Sliding off my bed, I go and answer the door and to my surprise, Lloyd is standing there, hands in pockets looking pretty ashamed. My face falls, "Oh. It's you."

I close the door but he jams his foot in, "Hear me out, okay?" I open the door and lean against the frame, "I'm waiting."

"I was a jerk." He stated, "I shouldn't have sprung that bet and egged him on like that. I was doing it for my own entertainment and I didn't take your feelings into account. Kai tried getting out of the bet but Seliel and I...we held him to it and...he really loves you, Skylor. It's not too late, you could go over and-"

"I'm sorry, are you apologising or putting in a good word for the guy who dated me for $200 and cheated on me with Seliel?"

His eyes widened. He clearly didn't know of that.

"I'm sorry."

"I appreciate you trying to fix what you screwed up but the damage is done. There really is no going back from this."

"Yeah, I get that. So uh, I should probably..."

"Mhm. I'll see you around, Lloyd."

"You too, Skylor." I watch him shuffle towards the elevator, thumbing the button to head down. The doors open, he enters, and he looks back at me before they close again.

Fate's a bitch.

Fate's a bitch

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