Chapter 17

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Skylor's POV

I was surprised that someone other than me had also signed up to volunteer at the library. The place was empty, considering school hours had ended, and I was waiting at one of the study booths, my bag resting on the table, my eyes glued to the door. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

Maybe I misread the arrival times. Am I too late? Too early?

The creaky double doors swing open and the sound of heels on wood approaches me, and I look to see a posh-dressed woman wearing a beige cardigan with a black top and a matching pencil skirt heading to the front desk, bag in hand. Her hair was styled into a neat ballerina bun, and she was wielding a set of keys. If I'm correct, that must have been the librarian.

I head to the front counter, just as she disappears behind the fence, and rest my elbows on the ledge. Our job was simple; put the books back where they belong. The librarian finally turned around and I see the badge pinned to her cardigan: Mrs Wood. She sets down a laptop before consulting a list which I recognised to be the sign up sheet from days ago. From what I could see now, there were only two names.

"Antonia Smith?"

I had no clue who that was. As if on cue a girl with black hair tied up into a messy ponytail and tired brown eyes pops up out of nowhere, scribbling her signature on the sheet, silently passing it over to me, the pen rolling beside. She looks familiar. As I sign, I keep peering over at her, and the recognition hits me, "You're Nya. Kai's sister."

She turns to face me, and gives a quick nod, looking back ahead at the front desk, "Yeah. Skylor, I'm assuming?"

"Um, yeah. I'm dating-"

She impatiently cuts me off, "My brother, I know. Just so you know, my brother's relationships never last long. And by the looks of you-" she pauses to glance at me up and down, and is about to open her mouth again before her eyebrows furrow in concern. She quickly closes her mouth, and doesn't speak. I frown, "What?"

"I, uh...nothing, it doesn't matter."

"You can tell me," I urge, but she keeps quiet, just as Mrs Wood heads over with a stack of books. She dumps them on the counter, and Nya slides the pile over, letting it fall into her arms, before speed-walking off. Another pile of books are dropped in front of me, and I scoop them up, before rushing after her, "What were you gonna say? Nya! Ny- Mmph!"

The books fall out of my arms as I collide into another body. Groaning, I readjust my ponytail and look up to see a pair of piercing green eyes and shaggy blonde hair as I gather up the books again, "Oh, it's you."

Lloyd rolls his eyes, standing up, "Well, I'm flattered for the excitement of my presence," he mutters sarcastically, "What did Nya tell you?"

"I- Nothing. I was actually about to find out what she wanted to say-"

"Don't." His voice is suddenly cold, his features hard. I flinch at the sudden change in his emotion. He breaks contact, to pick a book up, before peering at the cover, chewing on his lip, "Romeo and Juliet. One of Shakespeare's tragedies. One of my favourite works of his."

"Didn't know you were into romances," I admit, pivoting awkwardly. He puts the book back on top of the already wobbly pile, "Don't judge a book by its cover. I did it last semester for an essay. I may be a troublemaker but I am interested in getting my diploma and passing with flying colours."

"Huh. You don't seem like that sort of guy."

He shrugged, "You don't seem like the sort of girl who would date Kai. And for your information, I don't like all romances. Just the tragic ones that...unravel right before your eyes. Fictional, reality, it really doesn't matter."

He leaves me alone as he exits the library, and I frown at his responses. Weirdo.

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