Chapter 22

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Skylor's POV

The next day, I visit the library for some peace and quiet to work on my project. I could do it in my dorm, but I wanted a change of scenery.

It surprises me how rarely I visit this place nowadays. I was always holed up in my room or out with Kai wasn't I?

Speak of the devil, I spot him by his spiky hair, not far from where I was stood. He seemed to be deep in conversation with...Seliel?

"You're still on for tonight, right?"

"Sure." Kai seems mad. I go in for a closer look to see what's happening. Why on earth would he need to go out with Seliel?

It then hits me that this was probably the meetup Nya told me about. I couldn't complain; Kai and Seliel have been friends long before I came into the picture.

"Who else is gonna be there?" He asks. 

"Just Cole and Lloyd. Oh, don't worry, Cole and I were on a break when it happened. Chill."

What happened?

"I have to go." Their conversation is cut short, and I duck behind a shelf just as Kai walks past, not even realising I was listening in. Grabbing my needed books, I check them out, heading back to my dorm.

Guess I'll just study in my room then.


Of all the days, my shower just had to stop working now?

Heaving towels and a fresh set of clothes I knock on Jay's door. Instead I'm greeted by Cole who wields a toothbrush in his mouth, "Can I help you?"

"Who is it?" I hear Jay screeching from the shower. I quickly shook my head, "Uh, nothing, I thought this was someone else's room. I'll get going."

Cole shrugs nonchalantly, "Aight." The door shuts in my face, and I now go further upstairs to Nya's dorm. Just as I knock on her door it hits me that she was out with her Mom somewhere and wouldn't be back till later this afternoon.

Kai still seemed to be giving me the silent treatment, so asking to borrow his shower didn't seem too realistic. Communal showers it is, then.

The corridors are thankfully empty, as are the showers so I let myself in, snagging a cubicle and quickly washing my hair and body. The water temperatures in the communal showers were pretty crappy, the hot water only available for a short period of time during the mornings and super late at nights.

I switch off the water, wringing myself off, and pulling the fresh set of clothes onto me. A beige cropped top and ripped mom jeans with white sneakers. I set my stuff aside, sliding a quarter into the hair dryer, and it comes to life. I wave it all over my hair, tilting my head to the side.

"Oh, I didn't expect to see you here." Through the mirror reflection I see Seliel strutting towards me. She and I weren't close but seemed friendly enough yet I didn't fully trust her.

"Hey," I flash a wave at her which she returns, leaning against the wall.

"Heard about you and Kai," she starts, a smirk playing on her lips. I smile.

"Yeah...about that-"

Seliel's face turns to a frown, "He didn't already break your heart, did he?"

"No, no! It's just weird. He's been avoiding me a bit...I dunno. Maybe I'm just reading into it too much..."

"In case you didn't know, Kai's not a full-time guy. He clearly likes you. He probably just needs to be reminded that you guys are serious. Kai does what Kai does."

"And what is it Kai does?" I ask, putting the dryer away.

"Break hearts. It's what he's known for." She must've seen my facial expression because she shook her head, "Of course, he's head over heels for you so his days of heartbreaking are over. You keep him on his toes. I like you, Skylor."

I force a smile, "Thanks." I grab my stuff and prepare to leave the room, leaving Seliel behind. Just as I open the door, I turn back, "Hey, there's nothing going on between you and Kai, is there?"

She shrugs, "Oh, nothing you need to worry about. I'll see you around Skylor." She disappears into one of the toilet cubicles and I sigh, heading back upstairs.

After dropping my stuff in my room I go in search of Kai. If this was going to work we needed to be on the same page with each other, and that does not mean giving each other the silent treatment.

I knock on his door, and he immediately opens, seemingly surprised to see me, "Hey you."

"Hey." He awkwardly stands by the entrance, until I push him inside, entering the room and closing the door behind me, "We need to talk."

"About what?"

"You've been avoiding me. It's pretty obvious too." Kai doesn't seem to be emitting a reaction of any sort, "What?"

"Kai, do you even want to be with me?" I ask. 

"Yes, more than anything! Where's all this coming from? I know I've been distant, but exams are around the corner and...I've just been stressed recently..." He doesn't sound sure of himself.

"I just don't want there to be any secrets between us, okay?"


"So what's this between you and Seliel?"

Now he looks offended, "Nothing! Seliel's just a friend who clearly winded you up! What did she say to you?"

"That's beside the point!" I snapped, "God, why can't you just be honest with me?"

"I am being honest! Do you even trust me?"

"I want to! But you are sending mixed signals towards me and I just want to know if we're even on the same page because it doesn't feel like we are right now."

Kai checks his phone, "Listen, I have to go-"


"-but I promise I will explain everything once I get back later. Please, just trust me on this one. Please?" He doesn't give me time to answer as he heads out, leaving me behind, waiting till whenever "later," would be.

But unfortunately there is no later. It's now or never. It's almost 7pm.

I, too, head out to grab a taxi.

I, too, head out to grab a taxi

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