Chapter 18

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Skylor's POV

After our encounter in the library, Nya avoids me as much as possible. There's something she's not telling me, and the curiosity's getting to me.

Kai, on the other hand, was bringing me roses every day, taking me out on coffee trips, treating me like a princess. Everything was going perfectly and I wouldn't want it any other way.

He and I were in my dorm again, curled up on my bed, watching a movie I'd randomly picked out, but I couldn't even focus on it. My mind was elsewhere completely. What did Nya want to say to me?

"...-lor. Skylor. Skye." Kai gently taps my nose and I blink, shifting back to reality, "Sorry, sorry, what did I miss?"

"Um...Four figured out that Tris is Divergent and is teaching her to think like Dauntless...are you feeling okay? You've been spacey for the past few days."

I bit my lip. Should I tell him? It's his sister, after all, maybe he could help, "Yeah, um...I just had a small run-in with your sister, that's all."

My boyfriend frowns at me, searching my face, "Why? Did she say something?"

"It's more like what she didn't say. It looked like she wanted to tell me something but bolted before she could do so. It's weird, Kai."

He glanced down, eyebrows furrowed, "I'll talk to her tomorrow." I watch as he pulls his phone out, tapping his screen, "There. I've asked her to meet me tomorrow at the café."

"You sure she'll spill?"

"She's my sister, I know how to pry the truth out of her. I got this. Trust me, if anyone knows Nya better than Jay, it's me. Plus, I've been meaning to have some sibling catch-up time too."

Pressing a firm kiss on my forehead, he wraps his arm around me and I lean into him, snuggling into his chest as we watch the movie. I'm still not reassured, but I feel better knowing that Kai's talking to her tomorrow.

Kai's POV

As promised, I end up meeting Nya in the café for a coffee and interrogation.

"Sorry, sorry, traffic was crazy..." Nya fumbles as she perches in her seat, sipping at the coffee I'd already ordered for her.

"Sis...the café's right next to campus." I smirk at her, knowing exactly why she was late, and she rolls her eyes, "S'not my fault! Jay's a sleep-hugger! Why'd you ask to meet?"

I raise my eyebrows, "Can't I have some time with my sister to catch up?" I ask innocently. 

"No! I mean, yes! sudden? What's up?"

"N-Nothing! I just...was wondering if you changed your mind about meeting Skylor?" Nya goes silent, looking down at her steaming mug.

"I already met her," she spoke quietly.

"At the library?"

She tugged at her coat sleeves, "I'm guessing she told you." I nod softly.

"Yeah. And she said that you wanted to say something to her?"

"No?" Her response came out more like a question. Bingpot.

"What were you gonna say? Something rude about how it's not gonna last between us?"

"No, no! Nothing like that."

I press on, "Then what?" Nya doesn't speak. Her head tilts as she looks out the window aimlessly, "This is an ambush, isn't it?"

"Antonia, I'm your brother. You can tell me anything; I won't get mad at you, I promise."

"Do you really like Skylor? Or is she another one of your conquests?"

"Conquests? I- Nya! Why would you ask that?" My sister shrugs, folding her arms, looking at me intently. She's not gonna stop until she gets her answer. Classic Smith move.

"Skylor's...she's different. She's not like the other girls I've been with, she's...I really like her, if that's the answer you're looking for. Why'd you ask?"

Nya studies my face closely before leaning back in her seat, pocketing a few packets of sugar, "I know about the bet."


" do you know about that?"

"Does that even matter? You've accepted a bet that requires you to play with a girl's emotions in order for some money! Skylor's innocent!"

"I know..."

"She has done nothing but treated you right from the jump! And you're ready to throw that all away, just like that?"

"No! I just...need some time..."

Nya pushes her chair back and stands up, coming over to my side before wrapping her arms around me, kissing the top of my head.

"Kai...if you really want to be with her, if you can see a future with her...if you want to make this relationship last, then you'll know what to do. Pull out of the bet. Tell them you want out. Love's worth more than money. You of all people should know that."

She pulls away from the hug and I watch as she leaves the café, stepping onto the bus that was just about to leave its stop.

I don't know how Nya found out, but she's right. If I want this relationship with Skylor to last, then I need to make it happen instead of waiting around.

Yes, folks, it's true! Starboy will be having a prequel! It will be entitled "It Girl," and will be following Jay and Nya's relationship and how they got together! However, I will be releasing that later on.

In the meantime, would you like me to post the prologue of Imperfect Harmonies?

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