Chapter 21

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Skylor's POV

That same night I went out for drinks with Nya and Jay. It totally felt like I was third-wheeling them despite how many times they promised I wasn't.

We were at some club, sipping non-alcoholic sodas in various flavours through tiny fancy straws and tiny fancy umbrellas, seated at a large table meant for around 8 people, but we got lucky.

"And then he completely blew me off!" I whine, "He's never done this before, so why now?"

Jay whistled through his teeth, nibbling at his straw, "Yeesh, sounds like he's hiding something he's super guilty about."

Nya blinked, "Yeah. So what are you gonna do?"

I sigh, staring through the sparkling orange drink, "I dunno. I'm stumped. I love him, but if we're gonna be in a relationship, I want there to be no secrets-" I look up to see the couple staring at me wide eyed, "-what? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Uh- nothing, I said you love Kai. Granted, not directly to him...but you still said it..." Nya explained, fiddling with the umbrella.



That soon?! 

It was never supposed to happen until, I dunno, a few months?

Jay swiftly switched the topics, "Uh, anyways, you were saying? No secrets?"

"Yeah. No, I want everything between us to be out in the open. Secrets are what ruin something good. It's what happened with my parents. Eugh, why do relationships have to be so complicated?!" My head slides down to the table.

"Oh, honey..."

"Has that table been sanitised?"

My head sharply pulls up again. These two clearly had their priorities straight.

"What time is it even?" I ask, checking my phone.

In conclusion, it was pretty late. Thank FSM we were all sober.

We ended up calling an Uber, and it dropped us off at the accommodation building. Walking arm in arm, the corridors are brightly lit as we giggle at seemingly nothing, whilst waiting for the elevator.

The bell dings and the doors open. Thankfully it's empty so we let ourselves in, just as we see Kai shuffle towards us, head down. Jay breaks the chain of linked arms, waving, "Hey, Kai!"

My boyfriend looks up, and he seems surprised to see me, "Hey. Where did you guys go?"

"The movies. There was this new film that came out so we went to watch it." I'm impressed at how smoothly Nya lies. If Kai knew she went to a club, he'd completely lose his shit.

"Oh. Nice."

"Uh, you wanna join us?" I ask, "We're just gonna be hanging out in Jay's dorm..."

"Nah, it's alright. You guys go have fun." Once again, he avoids my gaze, and the elevator doors shut before we can say anything, though Jay slips in a quick goodbye.

Now we're ascending, Jay turns to me, "Yup. He's definitely hiding something. I can read people pretty well, and he acted like you weren't even there. That's major red lights right there."

"What do I do?"

"Ask him outright. Don't stop till you get an answer." Nya smirks at her boyfriend, "I've found that tactic pretty useful." Jay groans in despair, resting against the wall.

We arrive at our floor and drag ourselves out and down the hallway, entering Jay's dorm and collapsing upon various places. Jay took the bed, I took the sofa, and Nya faceplanted across Cole's bed.

"Now what?"

"You," Jay pointed at me from his bed, "need to figure out what's going on with your man. ASAP. Before you lose him."

"If it helps," Nya started, "I overheard him talking to his roommate about how he was going to the diner nearby around 7?"

I nod, "Yeah...I'll check that out..."


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