Chapter 2

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Skylor's POV

My phone chimes with a message from the UTT Message Boards. It was a notice about a frat party taking place later on tonight. I'm not going; I never do. I'm not the best at parties; I just stand there awkwardly. Plus, I'm completely booked tonight. I have to run out to the store to restock on food, do some laundry, plus I saw a trailer for a movie on Netflix that I really want to watch.

Frat parties are also a tradition. They take place at the start and end of semester, and everyone turns up. Since it's university-approved, the cops can't interfere. I've never been, but I have a clear idea on what happens there, and it is not my ideal place to be at.


Kai's POV

I enter the sorority house, dressed in a simple button-up shirt and some jeans. Seliel, a long-time friend of mine, greets me at the doorway, two solo cups in hand, "Dude, where the hell have you been? Come on!" Thrusting a solo cup in my hand, she pulls me into the crowded living room. The whole of downstairs had been completely transformed. Coloured lights had been hung up, the kitchen was now a bar, and the party spilled outside into the back and front yard.

I crash onto the couch, and sling an arm around Seliel's shoulder before whispering in Lloyd's ear, "D'you have it?"


I glance around before locating my sister, and her boyfriend Jay. They had somehow coordinated outfits and were at the bar, clearly flirting with each other.

"I have a proposition." Lloyd states, clapping me out of my trance, "Kai, you want that 200, don't you, right?"

"I...yeah, why?"

Lloyd whispers something into Cole's ear. A smirk spreads across his face as he glances at me. I watch tensely as Lloyd leans back across the couch, setting his cup aside. I chug down the contents of my own cup, "Why?" I repeat.

"Remember that girl from this morning? The one with red hair?"

"Yeah." I state, "Skylor." Redheads were pretty rare in our school, and Skylor probably had the reddest hair I'd ever seen.

Seliel snorts, "Isn't she the one who doesn't date at all?" Cole shrugged again, "I mean, that's one way to put it."

Lloyd straightens up, "Get with her. Make it last way longer than with your other flings. The 200's yours after that."

"But...why would I accept? You stole it from me in the first place." My voice is raising slightly. Seliel lightly punches me, "Hey! Don't start this all over again, dude!" She nudges my leg with hers, and I completely ignore it, keeping my eyes on Lloyd, "How long?"

"Over a week, at least. Then just screw her over."

"Like you did with my sister?" There were several oohs, after that, and I glared at Lloyd, who blinked for a second, studying my face closely.

"Don't think I haven't forgotten, Garmadon." I spat.

He looks unaffected, but inside, I could tell he was raging.

"Counteroffer," he states coolly, "You shut the hell up before I beat your ass." I scoff and glance at him up and down, "I'd like to see you try."

He's about to lunge, but Cole grabs him and forces him down on the couch, "Easy, tiger." He glances at me, "Whaddya say, Kai? In or out?"

"Out. Definitely out. I'm not accepting a dare from him."

"Yeesh, Kai, have you ever considered letting go of the past?" Lloyd traces the rim of his cup, before sneaking a glance over at Nya, then back to me. I stand up, and slam my cup on the coffee table, "I'll think about it."

"I'll be waiting!"

Groaning, I head to the backyard, before spotting a girl by the pool. I switch my frustrated glare into a mischievous smirk, and approach her, "Well, you're looking fine tonight? What's a girl like you doing alone?"

She smirks, "I take it you're alone too?"

"Well...I'm not planning on leaving alone..."

Nya's POV

I glance through the window where my brother is now engrossed in a make out with a sorority girl, and roll my eyes, "Not surprised. At all."

Jay takes my hand, "How many girls is that?"

"I've lost count. I've tried stepping in, but he just brushes me off." Jay refills both our cups and we swallow down the contents. We'd been drinking apple juice with a small splash of beer, just to make sure we weren't completely drunk.

My boyfriend leans in, "What do you say, wanna leave early? Cole probably won't be back until dawn tomorrow so..."

I smirk, "What do you have in mind?"

He whispers into my ear huskily, "I'll leave that to your interpretation. Come on."

I take one final glance at my brother, before turning to leave with Jay.

So...Nya will be playing quite a big part in this story too, and I just put her with Jay because...why not?

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