The Genocide Fight

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(In an alternate timeline, You have laid waste to everyone across the underground...)

You stood before the ashes of Sans with the knife in your hand "Just Asgore left and you'll escape this place..." You dropped the knife "I don't wanna do this anymore..." Chara pulled back "What do you mean?" You summoned the reset button "Not anymore I said!" Before you could press it Chara grabbed your arm "No...I didn't come this far...To have you pussy out!" She threw you back with a red energy blast...Using the combination of Frisk's determination and her own she was able to form herself a physical body out of a half soul of determination and half of it was black with not hate...but impurity. 

You stood up straight "You don't have to do this Chara! We just killed for fun! I never...I never wanted this!" "You never knew that these guys had feelings because lemme guess...They're monsters. And you think by killing me you'll get redemption?" You looked up to her...Your soul glowed Brown with a powerful aura surrounding you "I do..." Undyne's words echoed in your head 

"Human...No...Whatever you are...I (Y/N)...AM GONNA STRIKE YOU DOWN!"

Chara rushed at you and swiped her knife but you flipped over it and turned to try throw a ball of energy to her but she cut it and you ran over "Come on-" She swiped at you but you ducked down and punched her stomach to launch her back "You can't defeat me (Y/N)...Your soul isn't determined anymore! When you die you'll be gone and I'll take your soul to go to the surface and kill everyone there..." You summoned a bow and arrow to draw 3 arrows and shoot at her! The arrows created a smoke screen for you to dive out the window and down to the capital city of the monsters "I gotta gain some distance!" You landed on the floor "I need to figure out how to use this power in a proper fight...Up until now Frisk and Chara have given me their power-" Chara dropped down behind, you tried to run as fast as possible but she ended up slashing and cutting your chest to send you backwards through a house where 3 monsters were hiding. You looked at the approaching Chara who had a devilish smirk "Let's see if I can get bonus points, Normal monsters are 20 and royal guards are 50...You are the winning point!" You snapped your bow in half to create dual daggers and fly at Chara to swipe but she blocked and threw you around but you caught yourself and flipped backwards to get distance.

"Come on (Y/N)...Who do you think you are?" You growled "I am Stronger than You" You threw the 2 daggers at Chara but she blocked them. She was thrown off guard as you kicked her and launched her back to give you enough time to form a Bastard Sword (Basically a giant sword) that you had to hold with 2 hands. You flew at Chara and tried to attack but ended up having to block "C-Chara! You don't have to do this anymore...We can reset! We can Save everyone!" "You think this is my Retribution?" She laughed and threw you off to then kick you and send you flying into the centre of the city "Ugh..." You looked up to see her standing above you "This is yours...For killing everyone...I'm just your grim reaper." You swung the massive sword and it caused Chara to jump back. You slammed your feet on the ground and put all your energy into throwing the sword at Chara that she caught but she then threw it down to let out a long sigh "Nice Moves (Y/N)...but you can't keep it up...I'm just more determined to beat you more than you are to beat me!" You summoned a staff and ran towards her to swing but she blocked one end of the staff, you then turned it and knocked her chin and finally you kicked across her face to stab her chest with the Staff. She walked out the rubble with a face leaking of black slime "You'll die for that..." You knew what she said was true...There was no way you could ever win against Chara like this...Just using weapons to try knock her around wouldn't get you anywhere.

Chara sliced at you but you narrowly dodged. She went for a thrust stab but you blocked with your staff that ended up getting snapped in half and disappeared. She turned and kicked your face to then slice your chest and send you through a statue of the queen set up in the centre of the city "GAAHHH!" You crashed on the ground and weakly tried to push yourself up but Chara just rushed over to kick you down the street however! You managed to catch yourself and stand on your feet...Your chest was bleeding after that last knife attack but it didn't stop you from summoning a War Hammer "You seem to be bleeding pretty badly. Why don't you come lay on my lap, my child?" She imitated Toriel causing you to freeze "Heheh..." You were caught off guards by a knife attack you barely dodged but she managed to cut your shoulder "Ghhh." You backed up and blocked her attacks with the hammer but she managed to knee your chest and send you backwards "Ahhhh!" You hit the ground but pushed yourself back up with your hammer "Come on now...I believe in you!" She now imitated Papyrus as you rushed forward to smash her backwards "Stop that!" She appeared behind you so you turned to block her knife slash but it ended up breaking your War Hammer "N-no!" She headbutted you and stabbed your gut to send you backwards and into the rubble of the statue "Ghhh..." You pulled the knife out and threw it away as you got up while you summoned 3 shurikens to weakly throw at Chara but she dodged them and landed on her feet "You have no weapons..." You smirked but Chara laughed "You think that was my only knife? Nah...I have plenty!" She summoned an army of red glowing knives as you gazed in fear "Sh-shit..." you summoned a shield to try block the knives but they managed to stab your legs and feet causing you to hit the ground "Ghhh! Pain...So much...Pain..." You looked up to Chara who walked towards you but she suddenly was caught off guard and frozen! It was Frisk's soul...Or what remained "(Y/N)!! GET UP!" You slowly got up and summoned a sword "DIE CHARA!!!" You ran towards her and cut Chara in half finally ending the fight...

You forgot about one thing however...Her save...You turned around as you heard the footsteps of Chara approaching you. She summoned a red glowing knife in her hand as you held you your sword that she cut out the way and knocked you to the floor. Smiling devilishly as she raised her knife...You lowered your head "I'm sorry everyone..." She lowered the knife on you...

You sat up in bed panting heavily "JESUS Christ...."You looked around to see you were back in your room "Oh crap..." Betty was cuddled up next to you...Her hair and soul still grey...You let out a sigh "I'll get you a soul trait Betty...One that isn't fear...and as for myself..." You climbed out of bed "I need something strong..."

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