Read if you dare IDIOT! HAHAHAHAH!

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You stood up...Looking down on the short flower girl Flowey "In this world...It's killed" Her face began to melt "OR BE KILLED!" She laughed insanely as everything went bright! You felt a hard thwack on your head...You were knocked out cold...

A long time ago, 2 races ruled the earth. Humans and Monsters. One day without a 



A Tsasafnaj




I...Did I wake up? In a dark room...This is so weird...I, Agh! Urgh...

Howdy! It's me Flowey! Flowey the Flower. I owe that guy a huge thanks. He was typing away on his computer somewhere off in the north with not a care in the world. This whole quarantine thing had him locked up so he had no choice. Yes. I am talking to you. On the other side of your screen. And boy there are a lot of you! You all thought this was a story huh? Something you could just read and think you'd get away with? Heh. You're all the biggest idiots. This is no longer words on a page. This is your finale! I will kill all of the Viewers and take their souls! Then I will become beyond a God! I will be an all-mighty being that is more than just a puny God! I will have to give myself some kind of name though. How about. Crog? The being stronger than a God. What's wrong? You look so dull face. Do you want to get to the final fight? Do you think you can beat me? Ok, Heheh. I'll play along and let you go with this dumb story. If you think you can beat me. ALL OF YOU COME AT ME! 

Hands broke out the ground. Vines that formed and shaped tightening together with red massive sharp poison thorns growing as nails at the end. Vines fell from the above while the hands held up a screen. Metal wires attached themselves to the area above and onto the screen to power it with eyes growing out the side. From the bottom of the TV, a fleshy face of blood came out with 2 eyes on that as well "HWAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHEHEHEH. AAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!" You think you could avoid the oncoming star attacks but you got hit (You dodged out the way) You began to bleed intensely (You were fine. You dodged more oncoming attacks) Vines came down from the ceiling and tried to hit you (You dodged) "Stop moving! You buggy little bitch!" You managed to get an attack it but it was weak. A small knife could never hurt someone as strong as me! Pellets surrounded you! They closed in quickly on your soul (You dodged). On Flowey's a soul appeared. A bright blue soul! You were transported to a dark void with knives all around you. A voice called out

(Can you still hear me? It's me the writer. If I can still get to you then maybe your readers can do something. I can't talk for long. Get the blue soul onto your side and go!)

You did as told! Dodging the knives you found an action button. You quickly ran over and pressed it! A bunch of bandaids came in and healed you...A sense of relief comforted you.

"WELCOME BACK TO MY PERSONAL HELL!" I laughed! You were so scared and began to shit yourself, you little coward! (You stand strong...) More attacks flew at you! Bouncing off the walls and trying to chomp at you! You cry and get bitten like the baby you are (You dodge and keep going!) Finger attacks came at you from the side and bombs flew from the sky but yet you died and failed! CYA LOSER! HAHAHA (You didn't die. You're ok. Keep going). The screen flashed with an orange soul! The next phase was beginning. A bunch of fighting gloves moved in and out in a circle movement.

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